
I’ve been on the consumer end with an adjuster or two, while they may not be out to screw people over, they are on the side of keeping payouts low for their employer at the expense of the end customer.

To be completely fair, you can go to hell with the other left lane cruisers

BRZ was driving in the right, Camry shouldn’t have been travelling in the left.

To be completely fair, passing on the right isn’t against the law... unlike fleeing the scene of an accident ;)

I hoped so as well, but,

I’m shocked they don’t just crowd source this! There are thousand of Trek fans who would happily re-edit a part of an episode on their home systems once CBS have scanned in the 35mm film. I get there’s not a ton of money in it from a sales point of view, but when I watch Voyager on BBCA I think, christ this looks

A Navy unit showing support for the commander in chief.


Fixed. C’mon, have some integrity.

-$2000, and I get to kick Marchionne in the nuts.

I know a previous employee of the EPA and they have said that this is absolutely normal every election cycle, and that the media are being goaded into articles like the one above.

Happy tuesday.

I wish I’d know this years ago! Everything about him makes so much more sense now. Even his terribleness is kind of terradorable now.

Is he extremely short or is that car extremely tall?

What nonsense. “The problem is that he very likely isn’t allowed to do that anymore” is absolutely false. This is a private account. He’s still a person, and a citizen. He has the same right to delete his own tweet as anyone else. Even in the unlikely event that the Court found that any public records statute covers

So congratulations, you know the word ‘ovoid.’  Otherwise, this article is deeply misleading.

In the last 6 months or so, seems Jalponik has learned a new word, “Goddamn”, reminds me of my teens learning how to say different words, just can’t stop saying them thinking it’s cool.

Love my car but this is truth.

To be fairly honest with you guys, I’ve been to Paris using the subway is 100 times easier than driving a car. You can get from one end of the city to the other in considerably less time than driving a car. So.. all of you jalops out there, I hope I am not banished, but public transport in Paris and most other huge

Alright, Black People, it’s been fun, but it seems Jalopnik and Orlove have found Black Twitter and read it for about a day. It is definitely time to change addresses before they find out about $200 dates and how much a “stack” is.