
blah blah blah.... this is a car site.. still trying to figure out why this shit is on Jalopnik

Basically, Russia wasn’t our enemy back then, and they aren’t our enemy now.

There, there now, David. You’ll be okay.

Now if there was only some sort of government standard to get morons to turn OFF the DRLs and turn ON the head and tail lights when its dark, rainy, foggy or snowing out......

This car was featured in the official PCA magazine, so it is kind of a famous 996T, not that that is a reason to buy the car. There has been a lot of work done on the car. If I remember correctly the couple that owned the car would drive to dinner in Chicago from Minneapolis, just for S’s and G’s.

I am continually disappointed by the amount of people patting you on the back for this comment (or just generally agreeing with you, in other threads). I mean, you never fail to give your thoughtful, but assumptive and self-serving critique; I often look forward to it. It’s depressing to see so many others completely

It’s part of the camo. The real headlight shape is disguised. You can see on the edges that the fitment of the flanges is not a proper production lamp quality.

I imagine that was the biggest show on Youtube Red

Depending on where you live, you can’t keep any sport of shit in your driveway.

“The plane is an eyesore!” -Some guy who probably owns a Nissan Juke

I fucking hate people.

I guess having a plane in your driveway there doesn’t fly with the community.

Yeah, that fucking law that Obama put in place in 2015:

People have to start refusing to comply. Every person who goes along with it makes it more difficult for the rest and emboldens the agents to be as heavy handed as they feel they can get away with

Why would he consent to the search? He is a US citizen and thus by law is required to be allowed entry into the country. And if the government siezes his phone which is, ironically, already government property, so what? Let NASA/JPL and CBP duke it out. Unbelievable how much time and money we are wasting harassing

I’m pretty sure I would have just pulled rank, told the CBP agents to screw themselves and have their boss call my boss at NASA to verify my identity and explain why they needed access to a secure device with potentially classified information on it.

As I said, “in the same situation”

“She apologized, I hugged her, and I told her, ‘You’re going to be fine,’” Reiss said. “She was just in a bad place emotionally and should not have been flying.”

Front end was contained and yet the back still went for the nearest grouping of bystanders

Isn’t this just a standard stability control system? Using the brakes to manage wheel slip and handling characteristics is hardly a novel concept.