
The largess and excesses of capitalism have made us weak.

A Russian friend of mine is always boggled as to why us English speaking Americans always have to add so much context to whatever we’re saying or doing, like this whole performance around leaving a Zoom meeting.

The problem is that they are categorically worse. They don’t reduce pregnancies, and for some people, they can irritate their skin, increasing the risk of infection. Why defend them?

Wow you’re saying that the study is invalidated by your anecdotal evidence?? That’s quite a bold stance to take, I like it!

Also it doesn’t matter if you don’t have social media, your pictures can still be uploaded if you’re in them... and since you don’t have social media, they won’t tag you in them and now you have no idea that your pictures are out there.

Easy, a reason is something that cannot be avoided. An excuse is something that can generally be avoided, of course there are always exceptions.

Not only that, reasons are something that can’t be avoided, excuses generally can be.

You guys can complain all you want, but Acylyyte is right.  I’m 40 and I’ve gone through phases where I’ll get regular exercise and then stretches where I’m lazy as hell.  I’ve been devoted to exercising for at minimum an hour a day for the last 8 months and I’ve never felt better.  I’m done with lazy stretches. 

I have a better idea.

What if divulging how much money I have is the only hope I have of getting a date in the first place?

Once again my cunning strategy of having no real money pays off.

I would think its irrelevant how much money you make or have in your account. Its more important to discuss your views on finances and what your financial priority’s  are.

“But you have so much money!”

... all of these features are arriving for all versions of the service—paid and premium.

Consider if you just give yourself the extra five minutes a day to not try to rush faster than the other people. Imagine if you give yourself an extra five minutes a day not to speed on the freeway. Imagine how much less energy it would take to go with the stream where you’re going instead of trying to go faster.

Why read when you can be dumb?

PIN number? Is this for the ATM machine?

Wow, a lot of people here are super resistant to the notion that they should exercise. It’s kind of depressing.

>Be Acolyyte

Yes, because weight is the only issue. Not something like, say height that makes it impossible to sit comfortably even when the person in front of you has their seat back in the upright position.