Chrome has an option to close all background processes on exit. It works as advertised.
Chrome has an option to close all background processes on exit. It works as advertised.
I switched TO Chrome from FireFox last year because FireFox was such a memory hog. I have a half-dozen or more tabs open at one time and it was using 500MB or more. Chrome right now using 350MB.
I hear they upgraded FF to help with these issues, but I’m going to stick with Chrome until it gives me issues as I’m not…
AND, that facial hair is completely atypical and ahistorical to the time he was in. His reference was the Belle Epoque. That facial and head hair? I don’t know what nonsense that’s supposed to be. People of the 30s would have recognized Suchet’s or Finney’s Poirot as somewhat old-fashioned but, recognizable.
This! Poirot’s fussiness would never allow him to have his tie askew, or - mon dieu! - that attached collar! He was certainly still in stiff, removable (but never ever in public) collars.
Poirot wore bow-ties, not neckties, and even had he worn a necktie, probably wouldn’t have been so sloppy when tying a Half-Windsor. Also, given that the Windsor knot would have been fairly new at the time, Poirot would not have worn it. He was still wearing pince-nez in the 1930s.
No, worries, mademoiselle, the oldest hipster in Brooklyn is on the case.
I recall him being described as “egg shaped” !!
My recently deceased grandmother has risen from her grave and is begging me to tell all of you that THE ONLY LEGITIMATE HERCULE POIROT IS DAVID SUCHET, ALL OTHERS ARE IMPOSTERS AND SHOULD SEE THEMSELVES OUT PROMPTLY.
Looks like they blew the special effects budget on a Snapchat mustache filter.
Thank you for this. A woman isn’t lacking in agency just because she’s making decisions you don’t agree with. I might concede that she’s in over her head, but to cast her as someone so blank that she can’t muster up the power to make her own decisions is a disservice to both her, and other women like her. Just because…