
This is China's first aircraft carrier ever, and its just a shitty rebuild of a soviet one. the USA has 11 and some small countries even have one. why are we making a HUGE deal about it, its not like they have Naval supremacy or anything.

OR you could make your own directory of shortcuts in windows and make it a toolbar. Its about the same except you don't download anything, its all there already. Pic related.

I want to see them try this on a real 400+ foot roller coaster at the end of the track, and see if they can make it self-sufficient. that would be a major accomplished in my opinion; AND it would be a great way to bring hybrid tech into the public eye at amusement parks that will definitely get attention.

Seeing as solid rocket booster separation is 3000 mph, i'm assuming that counts? i know there's something else that's faster in atmosphere but who cares. in space its 18k mph which is like holy-shit i just circled the planet in an hour and a half fast.

i don't mean that the whole government is corrupt, but we should try and find out WHO is messed up and WHY they do what they do. call me conspiracy theorist or psycho but we just let these things happen because we believe that NATO and the United Nations are all for a common good but in a world where the economy,

Everyone would rather be entertained than properly informed. education is not something only teachers can teach; the best education is from yourself. I took a summer class last month about Culture anthropology and it really opened my mind to everything. sure, it was the biggest headache i've ever had and was a pain in

Why does the "Anonymous" group have to steal secretive government documents to release to the public to expose them when they could prove the same points through extensive research of public documents? If Anonymous wants to prove corruption in the world then they need to go to school and expose government corruption

Oh okay, that's a good idea. i used to play my PS3 through my computer monitor for a while through a DVI adapter. it looked AMAZING!, and i didn't know hdmi splitters existed, interesting.

Probably has to do with HDMI being partially developed by Sony and they felt a need to implement HDCP because they felt it was needed. have you tried component cables though? they will always work since they are analog.

For those worrying about HDCP problems with capture cards through HDMI, it restricts recording of content only at 1080p but not 720p/1080i. if you look at any game that says it supports 1080p it will say:

oh, sorry. i meant US spending on wars in the middle east, not petrol-powered rockets. what i meant was that we would rather invest in oil companies in foreign countries so we can manage our insanely inefficient oil consumption. I don't mean to sound like a peace hippy or anything but why the hell do we need to be so

I'm not sure what ones we use, i know most of them are ISC screwgate ones rated around 25-30kn. to me it just seems wire gate LOOKS weaker, and i'm sure most people who don't know much (like me) probably think the same way.

As an employee of a resort that utilizes hundreds of screwgate caribiners onto their equipment for zip-lining AND a rockwall, i think it looks sketchy.

PS3 in general isn't the smoothest console ever, but it could be changed easily in a firmware update.

Day one buy because of Tank and VTOL. thats mainly the reason i loved San Andreas..

Awesome, well if i ever happen to get a new phone i will be sure to connect to WiFi as much as possible. Also, this situation at first scared me into buying a new phone before this goes into affect so i can get unlimited data. But after seeing everyone here pissed at Verizon, maybe they'll change their announced plans

i don't have a smartphone but kinda intend on getting one.. but if i download anything on the phone from a FREE wifi connection, does that apply to 3G/4G limited data plan?

I''m with you on that note. people will all be "smart" and able to get a job. those who can't afford the chips and have no job are stuck. I like the idea of a memory "enhancement" which could be a lot like the already existing A.D.D drugs. when you use this idea and exploit it for money, instead of using it for its

"costs more than NASA's entire budget"