
Ok, i laughed at the first few, then the Zelda one i didn't like, but Metroid?! that music is awesome to begin with they should NOT ruin Metroid with dubstep. i am disappoint.

That is true. like other betas, we try the small maps. And i'm not gonna complain, Starhawk will probably have everything from warhawk AND more. i love the whole create your base from the sky idea.

Yeah.. i guess i did. I just edited my comment and seen that reply lol. 16 players on the beta won't 32 player craziness that could be in the final game.

Been playing it for a week or so.

I don't know why, but i couldn't stop laughing at the SimCity one, and i didn't even play the game that much. I guess i'm just crazy lol

I still ocasionally play warhawk, even with all the new games out, i just have SOOOO much fun with it.. The insane action of 32 players attacking a base with 2 lightning bolts going off, mines constantly being set off, tanks shooting across the map, snipers from nowhere and dogfights with pro-flight on evading 5

I used to game share with my friends, had all 5 systems used. i regreted it though and i'll tell you why.

We should make a post on what we WANT in GTA V.. even though from the trailer i see it already has a mountain, jets, more old-style gta san andreas like atmosphere, and a big ass map.

yeah i'm kinda surprised its playable on my rig, especially on high. seeing as you got the same card i'd look into more RAM, its kinda cheap now. The only games i play on PC are FPS games, still got my trusty old 60gig (now 320) to play anything else. its still breathing... somehow. :p

Mount Chiliad! YESSS! :D

i got a Phenom II x4 820, 8 gigs ram, and the same 4670 card. i can play high on 720 with v-sync off.

He was a CEO, and he didn't "innovate" anything. he made existing products more expensive and mainstream. APPLE made the products, APPLE designed the products, and their respective employees.

This is pathetic and stupid. Whats even more pathetic is Giz isn't the only one doing this shit. Anyone else dies they barely get a mention, but Jobs? oh no, he gets 9 fucking articles relating to himself and Apple.

oh, of course it is.. yeah i noticed some games are upscaled, others downscaled to 480p, kinda sucks.. anyways i bought it and im installing it, hope its fun.

I figured, since it uses the same engine as Crysis 2. i know THAT is 1080p. wish i had a good PC to run it, i "upgraded" (form mobo graphics lol) to a 4670 and it barely runs on medium. and most PS3 games run at 720p and only 2x AA. :(

Anyone know if Crysis plays in 1080p in this version? Crysis 2 i know does... and $20 seems like a good deal..

oh okay that makes sense, thanks. although they still had a lot about Apple even before the keynote.

Yeah i don't think any of us know whats going on.. i think we've all been trolled..

Thats what i was thinking, 3G isn't really a heavy-duty oh hey lets DL torrents infrastructure. and you're right, WiFi alone is slow enough. I think most people with half a brain should DL from a PC or PS3. But hey, if you need to over Wi-Fi that works.

I'd hate to say this but i played the beta on both my PC and PS3 and my PC has a pretty shitty GPU in it (just a 4670) and was running it at medium settings, high shadow and effects. i was really sad to see that my PS3 loooked horrible compared to my PC. and i preordered my ps3 version for $50 on newegg.. now i wanna