
Trying to pass slow drivers is a headache, you’re almost past but then they speed up. Since I am not a huge speeder, 5 miles over the limit, I get the speeders behind me tailgating. I can’t get over and it’s either go 15 miles over the limit quickly in order to get in the other lane or slow down then need to pass the

It now seems like a very good thing that Bernie did not win the nomination. Wow, those Bernie or bust people are weird, it makes me wonder about Bernie himself.

Well, too many parents pressure their children so 1 year at 10 years old isn’t too long to allow her freedom.

If cigarettes were illegal would not smoke.

Hmm, I guess I like filth. Grey colors are one of my favs, it’s easy to add statement pieces or splashes of color too them.

Just wondering, haven’t there been studies that prove you can also get cancer from non GMO foods and pesticide free foods caused by food having to produce its own natural pesticide and etc.

Right and left both have idiots, it’s silly how people judge others and believe others are in some political party concerning certain issues. Take guns, there are planty of leftists who own them and have silly notions about why the guns are “being taken away”, lol.

Lol, you cannot be serious.