
If that’s a typical crowd then I think we’re done here.

I disagree with the Trump-Pence administration about a ton of things. But the most effective way to do so are with proven facts, not exaggerations found from twitter and facebook posts. Snopes did a good article showing the evidence for this often-repeated statement:

The article is a piece of crap.

Can you at least give credit to the commenter in the previous article that mentioned Pseudobulbar effect?

Umm chief? Maybe learn a real sport like football and be a real man? mic drop. next.

If you click-n-drag the video to go frame by frame, it’s just one gigantic step ... which is still not legal, so yeah, he should’ve been whistled.

Dude’s got 2 steps one gigantic step in before it leaves his hand. Fuck this highlight.

More like “Zack Levine performs a dunk after a free throw lane violation that goes uncalled” really.

On the plus side, we now know what it would look like if TGI Friday’s ever decided to put together a marching band.

dont forget that they dont wear uniforms like those other lame marching bands!!11!! imagine the zany parties these guys and gals must throw!!

I never said it was the cause, but rather it could have prevented some of them.

No it’s my procedure

Which makes the taping... illegal?

So before the investigation concludes, we’re saying that they’ve already been credibly charged? Nice! Throw ‘em in jail!

Yeah, punish them before you’ve even finished investigating!

Is this the face of a cheater?

So this lawyer has already found them guilty, very interesting. Should the players be found innocent, I would sue him for libel.

Purdue has a football team?

Seems like something an irrational person would say. I mean what nut job thinks Chicago deep dish is pizza is venerable. It’s about as pizza as olive garden is Italian food.

All this article proves is that Albert is an angry individual (or an ignorant shitbag) who hasn’t gotten over his mommy /daddy issues