A Larsen

Because we witnessed the high divorce rates and all-around screw ups of our Baby Boomer parents, I think that as a generation we millenials are just more AWARE of everything. We are more self-aware, aware of inequality, prejudice, intolerance, environmental threats, etc. Also, the fact that the Recession fucked us

Maybe we just all have crippling trust/intimacy issues given how much criticism we receive on a daily basis. Thanks, Boomers!

This is exactly how men writing novels is “literary fiction” but the same book written by a woman is categorized as “romance.”

I bake “not a rapist” cookies every week and hand them out at the frat houses!! I think it’s a real deterrent! Boy does it suck to be the guy who doesn’t get his cookie that day. He will almost definitely try harder to earn one the following week. And I reward improvement too. Like I have a stash of “almost not a

Oh I don’t know.

Seriously? You think Dray is the asshole here? James cheap shotted him and stepped over him, of course Dray got pissed. Then a quarter later James cheap-shotted Curry and then ran his mouth, trying to bait him into a foul. Cleveland knows they can’t win, so they’re taking the most untouchable guy in the league and

And the lover dies and haunts the mansion, because nobody but the husband knew that they were locked in the cellar. Or one day basement-lover and attic-lover meet, fall in love and plan to get rid of the couple to take over the mansion.

James is the biggest crybaby in the series and I would absolutely love to see him in a fight against Green. Green would absolutely destroy him. James is a physical specimen but one thing he definitely isn't is a fighter.

Thank you for going to the headmaster even if you weren’t listened to.


God dammit, of course she was.

I don’t think I’ve ever heard of this before. It speaks volumes.

I'm glad they checked the facts behind this photo! Otherwise they may have taken down a perfectly legitimate image of a bleeding, murdered nude woman.

They could have easily made it a full two years if they were both just 3 and a half inches taller. Too bad, really.

here come dat boi!!!

Thank you for posting this. That a divorce attorney would spout such nonsense is actually pretty sickening.

“It’s very rare that someone is involved in a homicide case with someone they just had a baby with. It’s very early to make a conclusion as to what the cause, intent, motive and facts were to this unfortunate tragedy.”

The number of Johnny Depp apologists out there is so depressing. I know he’s a lot of women’s Manic Pixie Dream Man Forever, but Jesus. I don’t care if it was alcohol/drug-related and he’s a real nice guy when sober, I don’t care if she “provoked” him, I don’t care if Amber Heard is or isn’t a gold digger, domestic