No Cybermen?
No Cybermen?
You’re kind of missing one of the key elements of this story; the dude killed exactly 3712 people with his sword when he was a soldier. The Rape of Nanking happened in December of 1937. The author was pulling one of those annoying hidden messages/imagery things so popular with racist folks: See also 1488 and that…
You can roll your eyes all you want, but i was huge star wars fan and after the last two movies I just don’t care about the franchise anymore and i’m not the only one. I have very little desire to see Solo and didn’t go watch opening weekend like i would have once upon a time. (and if you have been following the box…
“Evan Peters teases the dramatic struggles of Dark Phoenix.”
It doesn’t have to fit, btw. In the comics, Spiderman gets ahold of the gauntlet briefly and uses it to undo events.
If the glove don’t fit, you can still do shit.
Translation: “I don’t have to back up the shit I talk.”
Person A: [These] people are bad for [this] reason
Sorry, but that’s not how it works. The party making a claim is responsible for proving their point. It’s not for someone else to prove your point for you.
If you can’t back up your point you probably shouldn’t be making it, Charles. Referring someone to google is lazy, even by Facebook argument standards.
One of the most basic jobs of a journalist is to provide attribution for quotes and evidence for claims. Like, that’s literally your job.
It sounds like Universal is just doing shiny prestige remakes of its monster movies (note to studio: Quasimodo ain’t a monster), much like Disney’s live action remakes of its cartoon classics. The dream of a shared cinematic monster universe, at least the one introduced in The Mummy, is over.
Isn’t this how the Armor Wars started???
“Why here and not Black Panther?”
I know the lines of divinity and chronology are vague in the Marvel universe, but I don’t think that’s correct usage of either “reminds” or “literally.”
Unpopular opinion but I actually dig Renner and the character, especially after the mind-control plotline in the first Avengers. Especially his pep-talk part to Scarlet Witch in AoU
Some of those books were awesome — I remember distinctly loving Freex and Sludge (even though Sludge was just another version of Swamp Thing).
“What no Automan?”
I’m 100% serious, if you really didn’t intend to sound patronizing then you need to take that last comment to heart. But I suspect you know exactly what you were doing and you’re mad about getting called out.
For future reference posing a statement as a question with “You’re aware that...” when the person clearly isn’t aware is 100% patronizing. The way you worded it was as though this was basic elementary school math that everyone should be aware of. If you honestly didn’t intend for it to sound patronizing then you need…