
Yeah I thought the Magnum PI was an inspired choice because you just don’t see Hollywood thinking that way.

This is true. I was mentioning this to someone the other day. Diversity in Hollywood is lacking not just in different races, ethnicity etc. but in proper representation. All you have to do is look at the Marvel Cinematic Universe. How many Asian super heroes, Latino superheroes, Middle eastern (heck how many

If I tweet something nice will I get a show?

Interesting. I didn’t even see that. Yeah he seems to have a lot of subtle, and less than subtle, messages in his work.

Yes. You are right. This was not about racism. It was about punctuation.

It is so odd to me that anyone would spout off on these public forums. I knew a guy who makes barely veiled threats against the government on FB. I know other people who regularly complain about their jobs or talk about how they get drunk all the time. Just because you don’t get any likes on your comment doesn’t mean

The thing is, the loud, and often obnoxious, voice gets all the attention.

The Japanese have, for the most part, skated by without facing the consequences of some pretty heinous and horrific acts (see comfort women, scientific experimentation, torture of prisoners..). The Germans at least have faced up to it. Many in the West are unaware or only barely aware of the levels of the atrocity the

He was very funny. He was the few funny cast members.

Imagine getting shot for carrying around cardboard.

The US is NOT the only country that fetishises weapons and guns in particular. I am not a fan of guns, but to people who take guns seriously they feel that any depiction of a weapon should be shown being used properly (and in their defense a gun is very dangerous and fools who play around with them often get hurt if

I was going to complain that she could have at least worn a black outfit with stars painted on it, but the more I starred at the picture the more I liked it just as it is.

Well given Godzilla’s rampage history it may be closed by then.

It is probably impossible to play if your any other POC. Because they are “non-existent”.

Criticizing crappy attempts to “get it right”.

Arabs are always being replaced by Indians on TV and the big screen. They only properly caste an Arab when they have bit parts as terrorists. I knew when I heard about this film that inevitably African American actors, Indians and others would take up a bulk of the caste. It would be nice if just once a film could

That isn’t 100% correct. The Frenchman claims he heard it from an Arab or some such. Though he probably just cobbled it together from folk stories and made it up.

Well it incorporates Jinn which are a decidedly Arab (and later Islamic) cultural entity.

This was my thought. Arabian nigts....or I guess Indian nights now?

Offend me! Offend me please!