
Fate/Grand Order is a mobile game that is based on, but clearly doesn’t have many if any of the characters from several Fate shows. It’s as popular in Japan as Pokemon Go apparently. And My Hero Academia is the modern anime fan’s DragonBall Z. I couldn’t get into it though.

Ah, the return of the space taco, how I've missed thee! 

If they push a ‘seasons’ style path through all the expansions with this as starting point, I think they might. There have been lots of changes over the years in wow and for many, it’s not just the ‘classic’ gameplay people are after, it’s the living world you got as new expansions came out and changed things more

Soul Reaver. As a sequel to a much lesser known game called Blood Omen, this game was different in many ways while still having alot of thematic ties to the original. Coming away after playing all the games in the series you wonder whether they planned all this form the beginning or if they were making shit up as they

Don’t agree. I’m the product of similar issues as her, though mostly from would-be friends from school and my mom’s boyfriends as I was a bully magnet. It’s fairly easy for me to figure out what fucked up my life, but the attempt of overcoming this has been a lifelong struggle to make me see myself as someone with

You’re putting words in my mouth. Gun control and ban are not the same thing. You’re just like every right-wing nutnob. Any change is ‘omg they’re taking away my guns’. If you’re expecting the elimination of mass shootings by gun law changes or even bans, then you’re a fool. Evil people are going to be evil and some

Think about it this way. The books you read, the movies you watch, the religion you follow, the friends you have, the politicians you vote for, the family who raised you. I could go on but all of these and many more can shape your and add to the collective that is your worldview , though most people’s worldview is

Missing the usual oomph...then it hits the second half. Almost like parabol and parabola being rolled into one with a sprinkle of eulogy for the gradual addition of instruments. 

That sounds like a sweet feature for other games as well. I wish the pulse ability worked in conversations rather than just combat.

I think it boils down to that game's these days are all vying for limited time and you want to see as much as you can since you may not come back for a second playthrough. As someone with 200+ games dating all the way back to Snes that are still on my backlog, it's hard to justify replaying games, let alone playing

While I’m enjoying the hell out of this game, I can’t help but see all the little quirks that myself as a developer wants to fix. The characters are mostly tropey and one character reminds me of a certain recent TV show hero-turned villain whose involvement in the larger things at play can be seen from a mile away.

Reminds me of the garbage thumbsticks we had with the N64. I dont recall Nintendo doing anything about that back then. Give those controllers a few months and there would be powder inside the joystick grinding into the plastic and you’d get this same drift problem. Glad to see that the publicity is pushing Nintendo to

Tony Stark: Is it better to be Nacho Cheese or Cool Ranch? Is it too much to ask for both?

And motion controls got us the incredible control scheme for Metroid Prime 3 that I’d rather not have to leave behind when 4 comes out. Besides, the head tracking alone creates an incredible level of interaction. For the games that do support motion controls too, that’s just the icing on the cake. When you lean into

I will second the Resident Evil 7 motion. PSVR is the the worst hardware as far as specs, but its cheap enough and good enough and most of the games have greater polish there than than many of the Rift and Vive games I’ve tried. The existing headsets will work with the PS5 as well, though I will say that the number of

I picked up PSVR solely based on the reviews of Resident Evil 7 and the early footage of Farpoint and I must say that my experience initially was one of nausea. I could perhaps play 15 minutes at a time and it actually caused me to put away the headset for over a year despite having what one would call the ‘system

A non-issue in my opinion. As a musician myself, seems like a great way to get my work out there and into ears, as long as I'm credited for my work. I personally don’t have a problem with this, as long as the songs that are not chosen are not owned by Ubisoft. People who are passionate about both games and music

It is. It's incredibly stupid either way. 

That’s primarily done because a person is right on the edge of their weight class and it can make the difference of a half pound. You’re allowed a pound of leeway and so 8 ounces worth of underwear and 10 ounces of bra can make up well over a pound of weight.

Thanks for sharing that vid. He actually failed at it and it was 185 to 145. He lost 20ish pounds leading up to the day before weigh-in. He couldn’t get below 153 and even at 155, he looked like a step away from being a dead man and it was clear he was having some neurological issues after losing so much water weight.