
Did the exact same thing. Read the first paragraph, catching the hilariously dry sense of humor I know from reading/watching his other stuff. Calling Link Zelda, and generally pissing off people and me laughing all the while.

Of all the ads on web pages, the worst are the autoplay with sound ads. I actually like Google being willing to destroy ad revenue to get rid of what many consider to be the most invasive for of ad. Serious question as I don’t play web games, but does right-click, unmute on the tab not fix this?

Well, that’s OK. Considering the recent traction in hacking the console, if you won’t release emulated games on the console, it’s only a matter of time before someone puts retroarch on the switch.

Feel your pain. Live in the US and pay a little over $300 every 2 weeks for just myself. Surgery is 80/20 and I’m paying the 20% upfront before the 80% even kicks in. Insurance doesn’t cover any maintenance drugs such as blood pressure or asthma medications. This is through my work and I work for a fortune 50

True enough about if you or me was there. We don’t really know what we’re made of til we’re put in a position like that. Regarding respecting my ancestors, I do feel some resentment because they didn’t do anything to escape the situation. They just let it continue for generations. Not much a family tree to speak of

The moment Mimir mentioned the time discrepancy after returning, I started wondering about the possibility of him being raised by Odin and Thor. This seems like it would be a good plot twist and a kinda sad moment for Kratos to die, to return, then realize that he’s missed his son growing up. His time with Odin I

Nah man, I just meant that death is a better choice than slavery if the choice is between those two. I’d rather pick death and at least try to make a damned difference than just give up on freedom and carry on a slave. All great movements require a few martyrs and Nat Turner was one of many. I have more respect for

A wise man from the MCU once said:

I respectively disagree with with that Rick and Morty opinion. Season 2 was the best by far and most everyone I know thinks the same. Season 3 however coming off something so good was a disappointment.

I think the issue here is that we’re coming off a season where there were some pretty serious twists that weren’t given to us in the way we were expecting. The two of you don’t sound like you were fans of the first season.

The reason for me is that we quite simply have too much quality entertainment. There are too many TV shows, movies and video games out there that I’m interested in than I will ever have the time to experience. I own a lot of games I’ve never even played because they were a great Steam deal for a game I like or a

This is hopefully the beginning of someone adapting one of the earlier books when he was younger. Only reason I could justify this. I did however do the same thing in metal gear solid 4 rather than play the geriatric version of old snake, though only after finishing the game several times.

BLOPS2 is probably the seminal perfection of the series for me. If the game goes back to that ‘feel’, I think it will be fine but it shouldn’t be the price of a full game.

Only in Florida...reminds me of the days of Fark.

I think this is fake, but it is a brilliant idea. Bullies in the schoolyard aren’t going to stop bullying you unless you stand up to them though. Calling on your friends (unless it’s a group bullying you) is a quick way to be made fun of more and become a target. IMHO, it would work best if the person who is being

This was the first game I played with what I considered to be a tightly-woven adult-oriented narrative. I’d played Final Fantasy 7 prior to this and while I enjoyed that story for what it was, Final Fantasy reminded me of fan fiction. The intros of this and Soul Reaver 2 however made me consider that video games may

Reminds me of Starcraft. There was a lot of world building in the manuals regarding the individual units, buildings, the ghost program and the Terran confederacy. I feel bad that a lot of people weren’t able to get what I consider to be the full package.

He’s just angry he didn’t die a half hour into Deep Blue Sea after a cool speech like Samuel L Jackson did.

My thoughts are that having a gun in the house is not as much an issue as it is not educating children. When I was 8, I fired my first rifle, but I treated it like a toy. My dad pretty much saw the naivete in me right then.

I’ve done the math and its been between 80-100 dollars (out of a nearly 2k refund) for my situation, so I’m giving them a bit more than I would otherwise make. At least for me, I prefer to be liberal with my W4 with how much I give the government.