
That’s why he has to save the pcb on the drive. Xbox 360 and one use a motherboard code tied to the drives firmware. Can’t just replace the drive. Have to either save the pcb or reflash the new drive with the correct code. On 360, that was a slightly complicated process since you had to hook a probe up to the running

So, as someone who switched from Firefox to Chrome exclusively, lets see where to begin with my rebuttal...

Good job for not giving up when the going got rough and being willing to breadboard it. Troubleshooting skill has a lot to do with logic and patience and I would argue the logic is easier to learn. And hey, the computer you put together could be bought from a vendor for double the cost (no I’m not kidding about that)

Who care’s if he’s respected? He’s making a sick amount of money doing something he loves. Isn’t that what we all wish our jobs were like? What the hell have you done with your life lately?

Reading the dad wanting his kid to be a jock was laughable. Is the dream of becoming a professional athlete more likely? No way.

I always felt if they combined what made rock band great (party play, avatar customization, etc) with rocksmith (learning the guitar, etc). I think it could’ve been a good move. The whole pro drums and pro guitar mess was an afterthought, and a very expensive and not very usable one at that. I wanted to use the

More or less, yes.

Grinding isn’t bad, there’s just no point to it. There are a handful of super bosses that don’t and a handful of areas that don’t but the rest of the enemies scale with you. Most bosses have a level cap as well. They basically took what worked with Sephiroth scaling and made an entire game of enemies that scale with

6, 7, 9 and 10 were all incredible for me with 6 probably a hair ahead of 9. All the problems in my previous comment drag it way down for me.

I know a lot of people who this was their first final fantasy game, myself included and that was something every magazine explained, so we all knew it. What pissed us off the most were that the battle systems were way different (read:terrible and complicated for a kid) and that Rinoa, Squall and many of the villains

My personal opinion on the whole thing is that it likely has to do with the virtual console and was perhaps an internal test of it that somehow got out. It wasn’t really meant to be found and I do think the particular game and gesture they picked was for Iwata.

This is exactly what I did and it worked out great.

None. Apparently I don’t date enough and my Aunt bought me an eHarmony subscription...

Gonna say wait. I bought mine for RE7 and far point. While both were good, I’m of the opinion that vr is changing too frequently for it to be a sustainable hobby outside of the enthusiast with disposable income. There are also not enough games to justify the purchase.

Maybe not a popular opinion, but I actually always liked the midichlorian explanation provided by Qui-Gon Jinn. The force has always been an almost religious construct and having both spiritual and scientific minds coexisting within the Jedi order is fascinating. Just like how religion is constantly picked apart by

No government uses a metallic standard anymore, you know that, right? There isn’t enough mined gold in the world to make up the USA’s deficit and the USA just keeps printing more money each year. Most of the other countries in the world are experiencing the same as well.

Homemade dough and sauce is best, but I actually like Papa Johns better than the others. Their pan pizza is a close enough second. That being said, their normal pizza is nasty. I have two friends who refuse to eat pan pizza and yet seem to love their normal kind. Crazy people I guess.

I’m a mostly docked player myself. I have a two hour round trip drive each day for work, my job doesn’t have downtime and I’m usually working during lunch, so while portable is ok I guess when I’m visiting family, I rarely use it otherwise.

I own the game and picked it up during the midnight release, so unlike a few others on here, I can speak to this. Hopefully this is the definitive explanation of this game. TLDR, this IS NOT an open world game. If you’re thinking of comparing it to Zelda Breath of the Wild, Skyrim, Witcher 3 or any of the other well

I actually don’t agree that he’s being a narc. Have you ever been involved in a natural disaster? I’ve experienced a natural disaster firsthand and can tell you that when people are fearing for their lives, they don’t think clearly. I sure as hell didn’t.