
I’d like to see the Winter Olympics periodically return to Vancouver. Excellent location for it, with good facilities that remain in use.

I’ll never understand the assholes who don’t enjoy this series. I love the Saints, and I love this post.

Damn, being a Patriots fan must be tough.

Wow, quick start to the butthurt today.

The NFL: Football is Family

Bolt’s lack of injury and trailing off at age 30 are just about the best proof that he was always clean.

You describe me to a tee. I don’t think I’d even miss it. It’s more of a habit than a passion.

Aw man. This is really going to jeopardize Miami’s chances of going 7-9.

The Christian Hackenberg Experience

Yeah man, fuck the garbage ass Marlins with their 46-53 record.

Heroes of Basketball is a fun idea. But the games were boring.

The thing about shit-talking Waiters is that sometimes they spit in your food.

Exactly. I hate to name-drop, but [Ryan] Fitzpatrick is still playing!?

He has a minority ownership in the franchise.

You had many words for him. Oddly, none of them were, “My reading comprehension is not what it should be for someone who speaks and writes for a living.”

A boat’s a boat, but a mystery box could be anything. It could even be a boat!

Ok, who set his calendar to October??

The rare case of snitches who don’t get stitches

Obviously they won’t go. No one in the NBA supports a travel ban.

when you sent me this gem: