Counterpoint: ...And Justice For All only had the possibility of owning. If the production allowed the bass to be heard and didn’t make the drums sound like they were stuffed in packing peanuts, it would indeed own.
Counterpoint: ...And Justice For All only had the possibility of owning. If the production allowed the bass to be heard and didn’t make the drums sound like they were stuffed in packing peanuts, it would indeed own.
Paterno probably could have avoided the injury had he not been too busy looking the other way.
Just wow, the US can never call itself the leader of free world . I am getting mad at a lot of politicians who are downplaying how fucked up this is, you guys have elected a fascist.
I’m trying to figure out the logical end of this thought that isn’t “it’s okay to withhold the rights of a person in hijab if it’s by another person in hijab.”
Advisor: The President faithfully executes
He appears to be holding the sign behind him so someone can write on it using his back as a clipboard.
Get ready for four years of this from your uncle’s Facebook, everybody
Minority? But she’s living in a material world. And she’s a material girl.
For a guy who’s maybe never met a dog, he excels at whining like a little bitch.
Easy. Your country is full of terrified, racist, sexist assholes.
The Saints secondary has been doing this for years.
Tobias has been saving his smoked meat since forever. Starting to smell a little fünke.
This is a good take.
No one hates the Cubs more than I do, but christ, just let them have their fun for another day before going on seemingly pointless rants about how they may or may not end up like Boston fans. As Barry said, they get until their parade and then they can go fuck themselves (paraphrasing).
Then wake up the next morning and vow to find exciting new topics of conversation that do not involve goats, Harry Caray, or memorable encounters with Ryne Sandberg.
aight that’s 15,934 “stick to sports”es and 1 “stick to politics.” long way to go but keep at it bud
you are this upset about a team of people you don’t know losing a game? Imagine how you might feel if your people were virtually exterminated over a span of hundreds of years, thrown onto reservations, and forced to watch what was left of your people and culture become a caricature for a baseball team....
Right. It won’t be nerds that know all the stats and obscure players. Not at all. That will be all the cool dudes. You, for instance.
(I walk on stage at a press conference after another long day at the office)