
That’s both-sidesing horseshit. There is not a single Democrat in Congress who is as crazy as 160 members of the GOP Congressional caucus.

You really don’t know how this works, do you? Well, I guess I can’t blame you. Most civilians don’t. But those of us who actually work in the entertainment industry see this as the possible end of our careers if this isn’t stopped. I can’t even yell at you because I know it isn’t important to you that people starve as

Fuck you.

It’s a direct correlation with a particular brand of Christianity. You’re a good person who is saved because you say the correct words and think the correct thoughts. You can cheat on your spouse, sexually abuse your children, and work to strip your fellow citizens of basic human rights all the while knowing you are

Franken’s elected by Democrats, who care about this stuff, and Boebert is elected by Republicans, who don’t.  I guess the “justice” comes from the fact that you’re always free to vote for the party that doesn’t care about misconduct by its members, but you (for good reason) don’t make that choice.

Detectives Benson and Stabler would like a word, you sick nazi freak.

I mean, that’s unsettlingly good picture quality for a theater, isn’t it?  I never would have guessed they had a camera this good (much like Boebert, apparently)

You’re bad at this. 

Also, just so folks understand what one of our Root racist-troll refugees is all about:

Well, that accounts for that Sunday, but how about apologizing for every other day you’ve existed in the public sphere?

That’s an incredibly dumb way to look at it. AI being unable to write a decent script NOW is exactly why it is so important to make sure it is not allowed to write scripts in the future. AI will continue to improve as the years go on and if you wait for the day when AI can write decent scripts, it will be too late,

When their unions strike, our union will stand with them. The bosses want you to pretend this is about “all the people.” It’s not. It’s about cheating actors and writers. Labor stands together.

Plenty of folks have broken it down in plenty of articles and comments sections, but that will never stop the “but 2008!” to help defend people who cross picket lines. I mean you could’ve just googled instead of posting, right? So go do that and you’ll get why.

Does she know that black people can change their names now, but the government is trying to make it illegal for trans people to get life-saving medication? Just say you don't give a fuck about trans lives. JFC

No. We should have solidarity with workers, especially when it’s someone who has relied on these specific workers for their livelihood since childhood. Give a little back for fucksakes! She’s had a life of unimaginable wealth and privilege while the little people fight for the scraps.

Stand WITH them instead of your

It’s very strange because she’s an educated, literate woman.  I’m very surprised by the lack of critical thinking here.  It makes me wonder what sparked these comments. 

Another round of applause for whomever is running that Theater. They could have released all the video at once but probably knew she would lie about her behavior and held back just enough to allow her to hang herself. Perfection.

Good. Let white women reap what they vote. 

“[T]o say that a female director has a particular gaze is reductive of women’s individuality and points of view,”