
“Poor”? Hmmm … he’s living in the District or the ‘burbs. On his employer’s dime, and has a press pass to the White House. Screaming at a woman born in Martinique with Haitian parents about accents. Betcha his socials are full of contempt for: dark skinned Black women, queer folks, women in positions of perceived

If your spawn is so violent you have to go to school with him to keep him from hurting people, maybe don’t make it easier for him to attempt to kill people?

I had to click because these guys all look exactly alike and I was concerned that this idiot was the same idiot that’s my US Senator.

It’s not “generational.” It’s a bunch of limp dicks who are now mad they don’t get their woodies fondling women half their age with none of their privileges. At work. Next. 

Or not. 

A grown, straight, white man with lots of money and people tripping over themselves to give him more - needed rescuing by fucking someone who came across as mentally challenged? Ok.

Really? This is what you chose to be mad about?

Sweetie, no. 

Well now you don’t have to worry about it not being exactly how you want it. Congratulations! Less not-perfect representation! 

So, a longtime Hollywood veteran gets her fee-fees hurt and I’m supposed to be angry with her? Okkkkaaaaay? You just said that she will get one, sooooo …??? What am I supposed to be mad about, again?


It would be nice if it turned out that the commenters here are incel white boys who somehow found this blog.

I walked out of a class taught by a guy who sounds like this. Down to being an absolute asshole to an earnest student. Went back for the final, passed the class. Real life is too short for that kind of bs.

Then just stick to the game. 

That’s your take-away? That this is all about you?

Apropos the show, the phrase “stuck on stupid” comes to mind. 

“Precious” was released in 2009. Oprah is going to be nothing but dust in a gold-plated coffin in the ground of her Hawai’ian estate, and Miss Thing will still be beefing with her remains. 

The sheer amount of male thirst in the comments is impressive. 

Harriot? Completely forgot about him a while back.

Comment section full of men anxious to cape for a man who couldn’t care less about them. What a weird way to waste time.