
You got what you wanted. Congratulations! 

Found Mayo Mike. You know this dude, he desperately wants servants, or slaves. 

Ageism ain’t cute. Maybe one day you’ll figure that out. 

As long as they got to strut around in their expensive cosplay and show off their penis substitutes, who cares that kids got beheaded? 

And brain dead ww fell for all of it. Y’all will believe anything as long as you think it will land you a man. Any man. 

But her emails!!!!! 

What part of Amber Rose was answering questions she was asked is so hard for people to comprehend? Reading comprehension seems to lag far behind being a stan these days. 

Trump still isn’t going to fuck you, sweetie. 

It’s a remake of Room 222. Which ran between 1969 and 1974. 

Hard pass. I’m a Black woman in the US. That’s enough “fucked up.” 

Only if you NEVER look at the long history of racism with Alaskan cops. My dad had a state trooper try him. Too bad for the trooper my dad had a FEDERAL badge and nearly arrested his ass. And as it happened Dad was having dinner with an Alaska Native man, who also had a FEDERAL badge. The only reason they didn’t put

The relationship between Black Alaskans (yes, we are here) and Asian-American Alaskans has been okay-ish so this is even more bizarre. Unfortunately there are those AsAms who are convinced their way to whiteness is through anti-Black racism. 

OMG! I didn’t realize she wrote that episode where two people were having sex with different motives that they didn’t talk about right before getting nekkid. Oh. Wait. She didn’t write any of the episodes. Ok, then she must have directed them, especially that scene that enraged you so. Right? Oh, wait. She didn’t

Sure. It’s the educated, professional woman’s fault. Somehow. Aren’t you late for your Oath Keeper/Proud Boys bbq & book burning, Chad? 

Women voted for this. Mostly white, not all. 

CYA again. Justifying you doing fuckall by punching down on an educated Black woman who is actually doing the work. 

If he didn’t wear a t-shirt, how would we know he’s special? That he’s not like other white boys.

She’s only mad because he’s crude. Her family likes their servants to be quiet. 

All of you whining about her, you are simply looking to cover your own lazy asses and justify your decision to roll over and let Christofacists do whatever they want. You would have fit in nicely with all the Germans who just shrugged and went on with their day when Hitler came to power. Except now you are trying to

Every Black cast member needs to make sure that hate filled harpy doesn’t get any where near the hair department. Jane Lynch is even making sure she’s not around when her former co-worker arrives.