He’s lucky he’s not a deported former inmate with an interesting accent.
He’s lucky he’s not a deported former inmate with an interesting accent.
Sounds like Sammy boy lost a gig and/or someone important on his team told him to kiss their gay ass. Whatev. Dude’s still getting paid for his confederate cosplay bs, in 2022. 2022, people. Time to let the aspirational American dream of being a slaveholder go, folks.
Holmes is a rich white girl who thinks she’s a lot smarter than she is. That’s not being a visionary, it’s being an asshole.
the lawsuit from Marvin Gaye was bullshit
He is lying. Check his finances.
Look, it’s Dick!
A snack. They made a snack. Next.
If I get a chance to go to a game - nearest team is a 5 hour flight away - I will definitely get some.
Old white guy shouts. Next.
Chris Brown. She has a long history of propping up these kind of men.
Ok, Sarma.
Oh happy day.
Don’t count on Serena Joy Murkowski. If she does vote yes, it’s because she’s going to be running for re-election and her Democratic opponent will probably be a Black woman.
She’s my senator. And she’s a racist idiot who only plays at being a moderate when the optics are good. I don’t think she will vote yes, cause then we get to bring up her bs on that batshit RWNJ Amy COVID Arranged Marriage.
People took their “I’m An Idiot” pills today. This is a bunch of the stupidest nonsense I’ve seen, and I’m in Play Great Aunt territory.
Don’t invite white women to sound off! What is wrong with you? This is NOT a teachable moment for them, we do NOT need their input.
Boo-friffing-Hoo. Google “Crown Act.”
We don’t need white people in ALL of our conversations. When we want to hear from you, we will ask. In the meantime, leave us alone.
And … ?