
This isn’t going to stop, but I am. 

The Canadian version of Entertainment Tonight covered this. One of the hosts commented that this was “the most Canadian story” he had ever heard.

There are very strong regional accents. Connery’s sounds like a stereotype vaguely based on Glaswegian. I had to learn a script phonetically using that one because that’s what the dialogue coach knew. And then had to seriously dial it back to be understood by the audience. I got a passing grade from Scots in the

Thank you for hanging in here as long as you did. As these sites careen into darkness due to the money grubbing owners, you were a bright spot. 

Years ago, when a pretty well-known tv actress named Elizabeth Montgomery died, it turned out that she hadn’t given an interview in decades. She had worked steadily during all that time, including leading a series of TV movies, so she must have been asked to at least do PR ones for those. I respect that. 

I’m out. Totally out. I just cackled so hard they heard it in the hallway. 

I didn’t even read the piece because it is obviously that white man from West Virginia & that white woman from Arizona. 

Oh, c’mon. Yes, I will watch. No, I am not going to pout and whine if the show turns out differently than in my imagination. Also, Evil!Astra is magnificent, and I doubt this blogger has a clue what I’m talking about. 

Welp, we are talking about someone who decided to accessorize her family with a bit of color. Really makes that white decor pop! 

And I need to chill. I know that. It’s just EVERYTHING is so awful. Why can’t white people just stop this shit?

Had a case in my state where a white guy violently kidnapped, raped, and beat an intoxicated Indigenous woman. The white male judge let him skate. But Facebook remembers and he got lost his bid for re-election when story made the rounds again. I don’t know what is done in Illinois, but if they are elected, then that’s

Working waaaaaaayyy to hard on this mate. You know the answer. Next. 

Oh, sweetie. Need a KitKat? 

I don’t get the “we gotta have the original actors back waaaaaaawwwwww!!” thing. People die. Or get other gigs. The fetishization of nostalgia needs to die in fire. And I’m old so I actually saw a good chunk of the first show. 

So she had something else to do. Next. 

Oh sweetie, you forget a bunch of us have disposable income and have actually been to Antarctica. There’s a LOT of color in the snow and ice. Plus, penguins. Leave the penguins alone. 

Again, so what? We had some fun talking about set design and CGI. 

So what if it gets clicks and provides some light distraction? For a few moments we got to talk about art direction, set design, and CGI.

Middle school is over, sweetie. 

The only reason I’d watch this white boy power fantasy is Danielle Brooks.