
But her emails!

Well, since the lady who had both of the Burger King franchises in town closed them when she retired and the closest one is an 8 hour drive away …

Can’t wait for Wanda Skyes turning herself into a pretzel defending why she’s working with asshats.

But her emails …

“… just killed random civilians”

Might have been helpful to read the first line of the linked piece:

Why are you implying people were lying about the weather? 

It’s pretty clear they are a couple from the photo. Did you just assume they were brothers? 

You precious thing, you’re just not like other boys. Congrats? 

I don’t believe in coincidence. 

Bullshit. The gun was IN HIS HAND. Since he managed to hit two people with one bullet, he WAS pointing it at them. Not the floor, not the ceiling, not a wall. People. Also, shutting the fuck up is free, Alex. 

And the coolio part? She’s too fucking dumb to do anything but what she’s told to do. She got handed off to some dude in their Catholic cult back in college and per their cult, she HAS to do what he sez. Fun. 

Keep in mind, the U.S. of A. is the only country on this planet that will let a light-skint Turk be whyte. So he’s perfecting his whiteness. Give him a day or two, and he’ll be having his good boy Kyle Rittenhouse over for freedom fries.

Kinda wish folks would knock off the “king,” “queen,” “princess,” nonsense. Monarchy is never a net social good. And the pretend ones (i.e. “King of Pop”) are nothing but marketing to get folks to spend their money.

Something else I’m not gonna give anymore attention to after I hit “publish.” 

I know you are trying, but there is probably a stack of FOIA requests already in the works. Makes for content, especially if they are rejected. Of course there is absolutely nothing stopping YOU from filing some.

Oddly enough I’ve never been arrested or profiled going through Schiphol. I’ve seen the security do some bullshit, but chalked that up to a strong commitment to security theatre. I wouldn’t fuck with them. Just buy duty-free chocolate and tulip bulbs, and keep it moving.

Straight old rich white guy whines about how he would be “forced” to have an inclusive band these and we are supposed to buy his faux victim bullshit? Are he, Clapton, Nugent, and Morrissey starting a band of bigots?

No. N. O. We are well passed the excuses stage. The day after Thanksgiving I’m getting mine. I gotta walk 20 minutes to the bus stop in sub-zero weather, go to a store, get my FREE booster shot, wait an hour for the next bus which will take at least an hour to get back to the bus stop, and walk home. That’s nearly 3

Do. Not. Forgive. Whites. Who. Try. To. KILL. You. WTF is wrong with my people? I wasn’t taught this shit. I was to taught to fight the fuck back, just chose your weapons and don’t give them excuses to hurt you more. She had the rare chance to put her would-be killer in prison and blew it. Get out of white peoples