Funny how these kinds of shows go after “Monica’s” apartment, but not “Chandler’s” (or whatever his name was), which apparently was across the hall. Wonder what the difference is?
Funny how these kinds of shows go after “Monica’s” apartment, but not “Chandler’s” (or whatever his name was), which apparently was across the hall. Wonder what the difference is?
Sounds like Mz Rinna is a complete and utter waste of space in general, and that oily coat of barely concealed racism can’t be filtered out. Next.
So a rich white junkie/drunk of a fucc boi knocks up his side piece, while he’s still married to his wife. But hey, “Love Wins!” cause y’all think he’s white fucc boi cute?
I was in Juneau when he disappeared, I was working with someone who knew Ryan Johnson; her hubs was very good friends with him. It was surreal as the whole town basically braced itself for the inevitable bad news.
I resisted the bread baking stage. I had friends who didn’t and I got my baked goodies from them. It was a small meaningless rebellion but it was part of my “wait it out” strategy. ‘Cause at some point, we would get ahold of this disaster and return to something like “normal.” Right?
What’s with all the slideshows? I’m not scrolling through… 15? Nope.
It’s not just you. Feels like the site is winding down.
Oh. Wait. So elections DO have consequences? Wow!
Welp, this will prompt lots of comments about how very bad, truly awful, lol, the list is. As it happens, I’m just not in the mood for hot takes about a passion project.
That was .. lengthy. And meaningless. You are spending your time defending a government. A government. Think about that.
Guess he’s on Team Fucked Around With White People’s Money And Found Out. Presumably he has a competent money manager so he’s fine, especially if a team picks him up ‘cause he’s dirt cheap now. But unless you have major bank, just get your shot/s before it costs you your job. Or lands you in the hospital with a…
And I’m done. Any passing interest I had is gone. I realize outrageous behavior $ell$ and gets those click$ but happily I don’t have to be part of this circus.
So he’s finally gotten the DaBaby lesson of not fucking with wypipos’ money by acting the bigoted fool in public? Leaning hard into “The Jews did it” may play well at his dinner table, but those folk ain’t got HBO money.
Or. Since you don’t know these women, and hopefully don’t think you can mind read utter strangers from a press release, you do have the option of simply going “Cool. Next.”
Pulease. The song goes: “As long as I’m payin the bills, I’m payin the cost to be the boss.” Miss Monica ain’t the boss, Ryan Murphy is. I’m gonna pass on paying my money to watch yet another white boy’s hot take on a blow job.
You missed something; this creature was filming minors. Why? If I was a parent, I would be asking a LOT of questions.
STEFU Spike. Most of your movies suck, you STILL don’t know how to write a female character ‘cause boobies, and floating trial “the Jews did it” balloons might play somewhere, but that somewhere noticeably isn’t anyplace you actually choose to live. The “just asking’” Tucker Carlson act is stale, but hey, houses in…
Yes. People do dunk on Americans doing accent work solely because they are Americans. It’s mean-spirited and pervasive. Learning a new accent for a role isn’t easy if you don’t know how, but you can learn. Especially if you have a decent coach.
First of all, Megan, you have shitty friends. There’s no reason to laugh at someone making a small mistake. None.
Just tell him it’s his usual steroids. Or whatever snake oil his regular doctor feelgood shoots in his ass for “maximum performance.”