
@pixelsnader: Yeah, that about sums it up. The factor of two is based on the specs and performance category. You're essentially getting a $450-500 laptop without the keyboard at twice the cost :|

The slate is overpriced by a factor of two. The 7" is DOA. The other two are a nice try, though the slider is kind of meh. The transformer one could be good if the docking base does more than add a keyboard and battery pack.

That suit looks like its made out of nanites and fabulous.

Hands on? More like hand on.

@foo: The majority of who would need to save a year of income to buy this thing. American market is reaming assloads larger even with a quarter the population.

@Omnimon: Right.. so basically you were too lazy to explain yourself, and still won't - because people might misunderstand even if you do. But it won't stop you from getting somewhat butthurt over it anyway. :V

@Omnimon: Reverse engineering something is usually several magnitudes harder than engineering it in the first place.

@The Squid: Technically, the next comparable CPU would be the Cloud Computing Processor (48-core offshoot from Larrabee) that Intel has. 8 cores is just their upcoming consumer flagship.

I'm in the market for a smartphone for the first time. HTC handsets are my favourite, but I really want a high res sAMOLED2 screen and a dual core processor. Tegra2 like in the LG Star seems good but I'm wary of jumping on that.

@DS: I'd hit it.

@VYCanisMajoris: wishful thinking, quantum entanglement is not a means to achieve superluminality or make atoms out of total vacuum

@Eddard: You must really love your Apple products if you'd cry like a baby over an iPod :I

@mlmike25: Suddenly, the domestic abuse makes sense.

@AreWeThereYeti: Well, that and there are different social media sites favoured in different parts of the world. The article was posted on Gawker like one or two days ago if you care.

@Malfunktion v2: Really? Burning up in the atmosphere would be a top-tier way to die.

@Major_Kane: That's not a phrase I've heard often.

@Malfunktion v2: Not just remote controlled, but automatic. The station could have a beacon and the system could fire up if it sees the astronaut is drifting out of range with just enough force and the correct trajectory.

I still haven't played this game. Still reeling from butthurt over the fact that Lego Universe has almost nothing to do with Lego.

@Dr Emilio Lizardo: You find it fascinating because its the difference between technology used to save individuals, versus technology used to save the species.