
I'm not sure what the deal is with people equating it to Apple's stuff. They didn't invent minimalism, or most of the refinements to the laptop user experience found on their notebooks. What they did was make it bright white/silver insted of dark black/grey like everything else on the market, and then advertise the

@lonewolf325: Military people like to say that, but its not really backed by anything concrete. Its fearmongering in the nature of "well, it could be worse!".

@RedEyeNinja: Hilariously bad idea, man. Not only would it cause tens of thousands of microfragments from impact, but it would send those fragments into a higher orbital trajectory since the force of the kinetic impact is largely coming from Earthside.

@i ♥ Tofu: The wierd thing is, the moment Jobs jumps on board is the moment he finds a way to use it to become the greatest philanthropic hero of our time.

@Joshua Richardson: LED, at best, only manages to make up for the contrast defficiency LCDs have against plasma. You could get a great 40-50" plasma from Panasonic or Samsung for under $1k like a year ago.

@Slinkytech: Why would someone want to land on the Moon?

Taking down a few websites is largely symbolic. To do real damage, they'd have to find a way to duplicate the DNS system in a way that works with existing browsers. Once a site is free from US government seizure, information is truly free. The US government is the one with the most to lose from the existence of sites

@I_have_something_to_say: I haven't played the game, I just remember some crazy Russian coot making his own subway tunnels.

@trois: I'm all for meatyness but a) she's not disturbingly thin and b) it wouldn't make sense to given how thin and scrawny C3PO was.

Isn't it a lot easier to just dig a hole in the ground and make some tunnels? Wouldn't it be a lot more effective too?

@introduceanarky: No you don't. You can go into any store and buy one without making any sort of agreement, contract or oath.

@takeshi: I'm sure Monster Cables do their job too, but there is probably an alternative that costs a fraction of what they charge. The same is probably true here.

@tasteskindasalty: Or so it was alleged. He's still innocent until proven guilty. And another site already mentions that both of these womens motives stem from the fact that he had sex with both of them around the same time (same event) and when they discovered it they were pissed.

$50 for a tiny metal screen? Duuude, thats like "gold plated HDMI connectors" of wannabe baristas.

@Wade McGillis: And yet, by American law, you're not allowed to do what you want with the product you rightfully own.

@phiyuku: You sort of proved my point. You're not seeing CP because you're not looking for it - plain and simple. Yet you're still making the baseless claim that its easier for the average joe to get this stuff, even though you are literally a few creepy search terms away from the same content.