
@cicero: If you refer to grinding, you'd be wrong. The entirety of PVE is an afterthought, or at least a side option in EVE. Its quite possible to play without ever doing repetitive and boring things, its just that many don't because thats how they've been indoctrinated by other MMOs.

@rorkimaru: For Valve games maybe, but one developer alone doesn't mean anything. I'm staying on the OS that supports 95%+ of games released.

@cicero: Especially a browser game.. :|

I would be a Linux user if all games were developed as platform agnostic.

I never watched Tron, but this looks hottttt

If they'd care to explain how the easily-obtained cracked versions of Ass Creed II are incomplete, maybe people might consider the retail, DRM laced version that people have trouble with as the "superior" version.

The cool thing about Borderlands is that it allows a few friends to mow down waves of enemies and grind for phat lewts in an open world mission format game without a goddamn subscription fee.

@KirinRahl: I'm running 196.21, oh, and I reflashed my 8800GT for permanent OC :3

@Communist Agenda: Well, such a dramatic boost is likely coming from turning debug off in directx, I doubt they could pull off such sudden performance gains at the last minute with engine tweaking. Though I suspected that was the case, I wasn't really sure.

Hah, I was playing the singleplayer at a friends house. Basically the team AI is terrible. They stand around and get shot, they never hit anything. And this one time, a goddamn Russian was shooting me up to my right, and all 3 casually walked past him without firing. In fact, they bumped into him and tried to get

I played the beta, for some reason it didn't click with me. Although my experience was pretty marred by major bugs, lag, and for some reason a highly unoptimized game engine. I run CoD4 and MW2 on High with an 8800GT just fine, but this has trouble keeping 30fps on medium. And before you tell me, no, medium is not the

*presses random catchphrase generator*

Isn't Crysis 2 cross-platform? Seems like the PC version isn't suffering for it, or those are some incredibly shooped/staged screens.

Ubisoft's DRM is just like every other DRM in history, why wouldn't it be cracked in half a day by people who've been doing it for decades?

@Hami83: Right, and this has nothing to do with killing used game sales.

@TheBrainninja: You can't use the multiplatform excuse here for several reasons. The first is, they're going out of their way to pimp the graphics quality. Unless there's some misunderstanding here where they're advertising the PC version to console gamers, I can't see how they expect PC gamers to be as amazed as they

Doesn't look that realistic to me. Crysis had better water porn. In fact, a lot of PC games do.

Really?! What the hell does Sense UI have to do with a grid of app icons? It features a large clock, at-a-glance communication info and (animated) weather. It has more in common with Android than iPhone.

@AncientUnknown1: Yes, where they will proceed to be bought out by.. oh lets say ZeniMax Media.. and commence development of a new war shooter series called Duty & Honor.

The drama llama hath cometh. Avoid eye contact!