
@Zunnoab: I skipped over Vista with XP and went to Win7. The main criteria was that games did not run worse. So I'm not sure where you get that idea from, since benchmarks and tests prove the difference is negligible if your system isn't memory-constrained.

@Indigen: Supreme Commander and Total War series can push the limits on some maps/modes. Its not really about graphical quality as it is about size and number of graphics assets, although the two are usually related.

I have an Intel/Nvidia system, not because I prefer these over AMD/ATI, but because they were the best performance-per-dollar at the time of my systems build.

@TheOmnitron: For some reason, Rockstar also strikes me as the sort of developer that would/could be accused of this. I don't know why, or where I got that perception from but its there.

Final product girl is gorgeous. Can't wait for Gattaca-style genetic engineering!

@Geisrud: Safety first, kids.

Looks cheap, but probably isn't. :\

Starcraft is in my top 3 favourite games of all time, and even then, I really never gave a damn about the singleplayer. A decade later, and I still don't. So the idea of splitting the game into 3 parts means nothing to me if I can use all three races online.

The best way for a parent to handle situations like this is to get involved themselves. Its not like the Wii is so complex a fully grown adult can't figure it out eventually.

He looks like a runt, and she is not a MILF. Only beautiful and smart people are allowed to push uncomfortably against age barriers.

@ddarkly: I agree with change of pace, which is a key part of enjoyment in life. But as far as that goes, holidays are an institutionalized change of pace. People who need government/society to help them break out of a mundane routine and feel a little excited are probably lacking in imagination.

@Hamster Poop: The people who are often busy 'enjoying' the holidays are often not enjoying other things.

I dislike statutory and annual celebrations, they have absolutely no meaning to me. Whether its christmas, thanksgiving, birthdays, new years, etc, I treat it as any other day.

@Techno-Atom: Month after month of hearing that stupid song? Yeah, this bird is asking to be put down.

@svenhoek: Some apartments don't allow large animals, so having it do this is a compromise. Girls will think its adorably cute, while guys will interpret it as an eyeball gouging menace bird.

Ponytailed one is super cute. But man, I just can't see them as being able to do anything on a battlefield except cry and make the apocalyptic soul-ravaging mutant deformities feel pity and go look for candy.

Oh wow, Pilotwings. Critically timed nostalgia. Well done.. ;_;

@Mr.Affrox: It replenishes its depleted energy supply by sucking out their remaining life-nectar.

@wirebrain: Actually, I agree with Cloral simply because that theory rarely works well in practice. Terrorism can come from nowhere, attack everywhere, without warning or reason. You can't always retaliate, and even when you can, you have to be ultra surgical because casualties and detrimental effects will do far more

Sometimes I think these knee-jerk reactions are done just to give the appearance of doing something, when in reality they know that inconveniencing millions will do almost nothing for airline security.