
They actually said that in the inside the episode thing. They said she ~~~finally became a mother in that moment or something. Ugh.

Well nothing makes Tumblr happier than two gay white males, so there's that. On one hand I'm surprised at how little I see them talk about the unhealthy dynamic between Patrick and Kevin and how that can become a big problem, but on the other hand I'm just…not at all surprised.

Out of the major marriage proposals on this show since season 3, this was by far the weakest. Maybe it's because the writers have actually given up on everything. There was always a little bit of magic there, even in Finn's misguided proposal. What a shame. Though on the upside Naya's reading of that tear down of Kurt

Shirley was fabulous. The Rachel/Santana scene was super distracting, all I could think about was the behind the scenes drama. At least the music was on point this week, every performance either had an amazing song (Sancedes killing it), or the performance itself was really fun (Shirley and Blaine making it rain).

To me I never felt like it was about being needed, he never even said that? When he talked about his reasons, it was always feeling like he was cut out of Kurt's life, like Kurt didn't want him anymore - the former being the most important. He felt like Kurt moved on. That was his insecurities from Dance With Somebody

Artie is the Zeppo of Glee at this point.

It's weird because it's never really been a "thing" before, like Blaine has never brought up needing more power in the relationship. I liked the insecurity stuff, because it was very in character, but the power dynamic thing was weird and I felt like it kind of came out of nowhere. He never seemed to have a huge boner

The George Lucas dig was the best line of the episode for me.

I also loved how some of the Valerie choreo was lifted from the Glee live tour (Santana snapping a camera at Brittany the same way Heather did to Naya) and April honking Blaine like she did Kurt.

With Quinn and Puck mostly off the show and Santana barely ever mentioning Brittany since mid season 4, it did feel a lot like fanservice, but I think that was the point. I actually do kind of enjoy the idea of these kids all getting together, the core couples at least - it should have been Finn and Rachel in there

I won't reveal anything, but it would be funny if the guest stars didn't revive the club, wouldn't it? Glee does love its meta, and all the guest stars in the world couldn't save this show - especially this season. Though to be fair, Adam Lambert can't act to save his life and Demi was too busy to use.

I wish they could just make it so Henry's stuck in Pan's body forever. For a show that twists itself all around in order to make a thin plot work, they should be able to do the same to salvage the show's watchability.