
I sure do. I get two physical copies and a digital copy. Only makes it better that I have a friend who only does digital (which she started after people kept stealing movies from her house after parties) so she splits it with me so I get the BD and DVD and she gets the digital copy. And I she still gives me access to

I sure do. I get two physical copies and a digital copy. Only makes it better that I have a friend who only does

You misspelled 1997

Succinct and to the point! I like that you don’t waste time explaining it to someone who is probably just looking to argue about it anyway. Have a star!

Yes. It does. Hope this helps!

Depends on what you’re playing and what your lifestyle is like. This console generation; it’s been my most used system. Aside from my PC.

Depends on what you’re playing and what your lifestyle is like. This console generation; it’s been my most used

Unless they’re fat. Fat kids need to go on a run.

Nobody that has ever driven in a Texas city should be surprised by this video.

Props to the cameraman. The panning views, he managed to get the fantastic Houston backdrop, the emotion of the persons involved and didn’t shake the camera once.

One of my all time favorites. 80's were the best.

OKAY SO I texted my mom who is a doctor about this issue.

dat draw distance


Hey I’ve got a call of duty mod than makes you invincible, makes you really good at the game quick

i would put this story on my resume if it happened to me. it would be my christmas card every year.

I insulted him to his face at a concert. Really small venue event for charity. You were never more than three people away from the stage. The show started two hours late and after standing outside in stilettos waiting to get in the venue, I was not in the mood. I was standing dead center in front of the stage, being

Actually, I know exactly what that white van is. They are Apple’s mobile sales team. They sell limited edition and overstock products. I found one in a parking lot in Minneapolis one night last year and bought these limited edition Beats headphones. The guy said they were originally $2000, but they had ordered too

Just make sure you don't accidentally buy the sugar free ones.

Just make sure you don't accidentally buy the sugar free ones.

This. Also, let’s not ignore the hardware costs. $15 a month per box from cable skews the bill massively.

Anytime I see a picture of him wearing that tie, I can't help but think of him as a happy little stick figure man. Cracks me up every time! :D