
The Chinese copy-cat version that’s made of balsa wood and coat hangers is probably made for $1M.

I think you’re being too liberal with the word “liberal”.

That Galaxian is the only thing I got excited about. Space invaders wasn’t even in color. It used gels on the bezel glass to color the bottom part of the screen. I don’t think that any arcade game that I would consider great came out until 1982.

This is fascinating but leads me to a stupid question.

Now you’re just creating your own problems to bitch about.

Alright, well that changes everything. 80% of people are complete idiots. Another 19.9% are educated in non-technical fields and not necessarily intelligent. That leaves 0.1% of us to create and explain the changing technology to everybody else.

I’m old, but you sound REALLY old.

That’s actually a chart representing probable anger from the results of the 2016 Presidential election.

Was that supposed to be a Facebook post?

Vaping sucks and so can you!

I already knew much of the inane shit that was mentioned in the book. I am not a genius. I just remember dumb shit.

The Striker looks like a half Interceptor.

See Pic

This song just drips the eighties. It really is fantastic and covers every 80s musical trope with flair and mullets.

F#$% You!

So when will you announce Fan Fiction Fridays on i09!

This only proves that Estrogen and Testosterone affect human emotional responses in movies as expected.

... or, maybe, R2 has some midi-chlorian laced organic internal parts that allow him to force-choke other droids.

I’ve still got my Playstation one in a box somewhere. It was great for playing the original Need for Speed.

“Get to da Choppa!”