
Out of dollars.

Too much "dress-up" in these games takes away from the racing fun in my opinion. It's probably easier to match skill in an online friends based community when there is less customization. I do agree with the need for more tuner-type cars in the roster.

I'm a big fan of the NFS games. Carbon, Most Wanted (first one) and rivals are amazing arcade racing titles. I'd be happy with an expansion to the Rivals map and some more cars this year.

PlayStation Only? Yes!

... said your mom.

I wish Matt and Trey would think about creating a Team America first person shooter. Strings and all.

Yeah, I'm kinda bummed. I want the option to see all content. The original and the euro-edit versions are bound to be epic.

Oh For Fish Sticks?

Your move Sony.

"Unique" is nearly always just a nice way of saying substandard.

I bet it's all short peoples' fault. Those vertically challenged bastards are subconsciously compensating.

Yes and you too can own one before's it's cool.

I just always made comically ugly (normal?) faces when prompted. If you can't laugh at yourself... something, something.

dammit woman don't you give the loch ness monster tree fiddy.

...said your mom.

What? Shells don't travel with the bullet IRL?

Thank you, Sheldon!

You are a "Gray". Being ignored is our lot in life.