I had this one the other day. When she pulled my junk out it was all hamburger and spaghetti. She didn't seem to mind, but now I can't get that picture out of my head.
Why are they wearing a life preservers in their photo?
"Fuck you" and "Kill Yourself" are the typical responses to the jokes I find funny in many comment sections. Does that make me a troll?
I am allergic to nearly everything and frequently get sinus infections. I am definitely not a super taster. I consume large quantities of bitter beverages and spicy foods just to be able to taste something. I really hope the researchers can find a way to mutate my sorry ass into a super taster so I can breathe…
That is how you're supposed to eat HOT wings. I'm assuming you like your Snickers bars served on a plate with silverware.
A wide network only matters if your travel often. Best LTE is location specific. Switch to ATT for two years and go back if it's a problem.
I truly enjoyed the commercial, even though I've been an iPhone user since July 2007. I related to the hero. A little color shouldn't be too much to ask for, especially since Apple drops a rainbow of iPods on the market.
"It's a pretty interesting perspective, if iTunes made it to Windows, why can't it go to the Windows of the mobile computing world, Android?"
Only if it's intravenously.
I guess I just suck then. I'm such an asshole.
It is an avoidance strategy. Avoiding conflict was the whole point.
He's probably tried to do all of these things, but was constantly hammered for not making the exact decisions you would have made. It's more a way to avoid conflict than avoiding the mundane work. Try doing them together.
There is no possible way that Mexico is clean. No way.
Surprisingly, the Wii and Move controllers are absent? Hmm...
So I can finally get an actual working Turbo Boost button on the center console of my car? Time to start converting an old Firebird to all electric and stock up on various buttons, switches and LEDs.
It's history.