... and Bristol.
... and Bristol.
...and Daytona.
Rusty Wallace had a string of nasty crashes as I remember.
Your wide angle lens makes my nose look big.
"Good fences make good neighbors" - Robert Frost
Bread and deep-fry it, and I'll give it a second look.
Everyone loses again. ;(
What to call those weird videos that lead nowhere on YouTube?
What about the amazing Kevin Flynn. It's computer science, but science is science, right?
Yo' mama so fat that you can blame her for how stupid you are!
I'll have one dog, plain, and a loose meat sammich, extra cheese.
The council was the single most evil villain in that film.
Maybe, it has nothing to to with the plane. This sounds like a case for Erin Brokovich, but I'm betting it's a side effect of the secret super soldier additives they're feeding the pilots and crew.
Move along with your penisless self. Everyone knows that those parts are rent to buy and can never be paid for in full. Who would want to buy something that is completely broken 1/4 of the time, anyway? :D
Ancient peoples are typically described as simpleton barbarians, which I'm sure some/most were. It's cool to see that there have always been groups of logical thinking, engineering types for the politicians and witch doctors to rely on.
I'm married. No more balls. No worries.
I got mine when I first heard about Prometheus. eBay $30 and change.
Many have.
You could work at a fast food franchise and still get a paycheck.