Akash Shetye

This is the standout comment of this section. I didn't even disagree with Libby's premise here: that KUTK built its brand on sitcom archetypes and also touches on some emotional issues. But I hate how she just assumed that anybody who disagreed with her was being close-minded about the show either by dismissing it

There are definitely some outdated scenes, while in other moments, you can see that the show is struggling to figure out exactly how far can it push TV's boundaries (it was the first show to do many of the things we now take for granted).

I'm happy that you find the family "fascinating and messy and awesome." I am also happy that you're "engrossed, amused, and entertained" with the show to the point that you can overlook any of its supposed weaknesses. But why do you insist that the reviewer has to have the same opinion as you? If you find it