Akash Singh

#WinterIsHere #GoodbyeHouseFrey #BestColdOpenEver

#WinterIsHere #GoodbyeHouseFrey

I stopped watching after Season 3, but I enjoy reading these recaps just to see how far it's gone off the rails.

Awesome review! Yeah, the lack of logic in the opening sequences was getting on my nerves, but the first third nevertheless seemed to be at least going somewhere, unlike the previous two installments. Then it all completely goes to hell.

I really did like Mary to be honest, but it's just annoying when she dies so inanely (she's a trained assassin, for the love of God!). Moffat & Gatiss have a major problem with introducing character mysteries and not taking them anywhere for a while, so my major disappointment here is that the whole "Who is Mary

It's just my interpretation so I could easily be off. :)

I really liked "Chestnut" and not just because of the symbolic connotations of that title. The focus on Maeve was especially fantastic and Thandie Newton knocked it out of the park (pun intended and frankly, this should be her Emmy submission. The amount of range she shows is incredible). The wall with the black and

Pilots are so east to get wrong, but this was quite fantastic. I'm not quite sure as to how they'll be able to extend the series for five seasons, but for right now this is moving along quite well. The writing is largely sharp, the cinematography is gorgeous, but the acting may take the cake here. On that note, I

In the process of rewatching the episode. I need the soundtrack NOW.

Exactly. Outlander communities aren't as prevalent as I'd like them to be, quite honestly.

This was a really great episode, to be perfectly honest. The emotional grip alone was astounding. I'm definitely rewatching this several times. I had a few quibbles (some of the plot mechanics, bits of the dialogue for Brianna, and some of the editing), but the emotional investment was strong enough to where I simply

I agree. I loved the Outlander recaps and even more so the discussions that would follow.

Thank you so much for reading! :)

Arya slitting Walder Frey's throat was everything I ever wanted. That was hands down the best episode of the entire series in my humble opinion. That absolute dread I felt during "Baelor" was replicated here a hundredfold. There were certain narrative choices this season that drove me up the wall in hindsight, but for

That was hands down the best episode of the entire series in my humble opinion. That absolute dread I felt during "Baelor" was replicated here a hundredfold. There were certain narrative choices this season that drove me up the wall in hindsight, but for now at least I didn't find significant enough flaws in this one

Absolutely. I will continue to do mine until the foreseeable future, but I like having multiple communities to have conversations in.

As uncomfortable as it may be, Claire is also aware that Black Jack dies in three days.

No more "Outlander" reviews following this season? What a darn, darn shame.

I have to disagree on the hollowness of Winterfel. It felt arresting to me, cathartic even as the Stark banners fell on the castle.

I dug this episode so much. The Battle of the Bastards may not match the absolute despair of that hour, but it is a magnificently executed hour of television that stands out as being one of the most impressive installments of the series as a whole. Everything, from the script to the acting to the music to the