
This was handled so horribly. Firstly, the flight attendant was correct; it isn’t their job to clean planes. A whole other outfit does that. That said, it’s also the expectation of a customer to not have to buy a seat on a flight with literal vomit on the seats. Instead of copping an attitude with the customer, the

I hope see wins her deserved retirement money in the coming lawsuit.

While I sincerely appreciate that other passengers have corroborated Rosetta’s truth, it sure would have been nice if some of them stood up in the moment — maybe refuse to reboard the plane until the entire flight crew is replaced?

I feel like they could have spent a day doing market research to realize that nobody wants this. Especially not from Google with their unreliable history.

As far as I’m concerned, there are three big problems here:

1.) Connection speed. This kind of service will be awesome for folks with reliable, high-speed connections without constrictive data caps.

There aren’t as many of those folks in the US as Google seems to believe there are.

2.) The concept of “ownership.” Yes,

I honestly don’t care if Stadia becomes the next big thing,  kills consoles,  and everyone has to play laggy games forever.  Why?  Because I’m officially declaring myself an old man,  and this is where I’m done.  I now plan to live out the rest of my life replaying the great games from the before time as I shake my

Once I finished the article that’s my conclusion and it fits every single fact presented.

Touts himself as the anti-Obama, yet anything he gets in trouble for is okay because Obama allegedly did it first. Which is it, motherfucker? You can't have it both ways. 

If a democrat sits by silently or tries to engage with civil conversation: Spineless Liberals.

I think what she meant was “shut up and take it, peasants!”

“Paul Ryan hasn’t done anything!”

The frightening thing is that the people who are predicting the recession are the people who wanted the market to move in this tax-free-wonderland for the ultra wealthy. Like they’ve shot themselves in the foot knowing they’d be crippled for it, but said fuck it for the short term benefits.

Megyn Kelly and the rest of those in power need to understand that one can only be punched in the gut so many times before the individual realizes they’re being punched in the gut maliciously, and not getting an ab workout for personal health and safety.

“Why can’t you choose enlightenment and love and light and go towards that?”

You must be fucking joking. No one can live on $13hr let alone after taxes.

ah yes, the american dream: 2.3 children, a dog and a cat, a station wagon, and a house with a white picket fence shared apartment

Just because YOU found a better job doesn’t mean *everyone* can. We’ve got people with Ph.D’s working retail in this country because the jobs don’t exist.

Nope. The idea that businesses can pay people less than is needed to live, and put the costs onto the taxpayer, is the underlying problem in our economy.

Why do you believe your response is more reasonable than saying “a company who makes billions in profits should treat the employees who helped make those billions with humanity and respect”?

That kid needs to learn to be a quitter. You won’t get anywhere in life if you don’t learn to say “Not just no, but fuck no.”