
Anyway, on to the topic at hand, which is: what's the perfect car for a teenager? This is a brilliant question, and I'd like to begin by describing the vehicle that I owned as a teenager. It was a 1996 Volvo 850 Turbo; a brick-shaped midsize sedan, saddled with a four-speed automatic transmission, front-wheel drive,

Will a conventional website ever be able to serve longer-form content in a way that replicates your favourite magazine? I don't believe it will. Its best chance was through the tablet, but that can now be called a failure and the whole concept of people ditching paper for pixels seems to have ground to a halt. Sales

I did, sort of. Same cars, same track, my father-in-law using all season and I winter tires. Winter tires light years ahead in grip. Conditions: forest trails with compacted snow.

Now, all of this wouldn't be so bad if it wasn't for Volkswagen's own hubris when stating its aggressive sales goals. Just a few short years ago, the automaker told everyone – the Wall Street Journal, the New York Times, random schoolchildren walking down the street in Wolfsburg – that it would sell 800,000 cars in

Polish, actually.