
I don’t know if it’s the movies I’ve seen him in, but I always felt John Turturro looks like the kind of person who’s always thinking about murdering your dog the moment you turn your back on him. I’d never seen him interviewed before, he comes across as super nice!

I just don’t understand the logic of replying with the Ice Town news story. Hopefully *something* will cost the turtle clown his turtle crown, though.

I thought that advice was for screenwriters xD

(We) Mexicans should be sensitive to other people’s culture and give this up. Believe me when I say it pains me to say this (because it goes way beyond football/soccer), but some Mexicans just want to watch the world burn. And the problem is they seem to be the loudest.

I did audibly gasp, so kudos to you for seeing that coming. 

There was a story on The Atlantic a while back about how the ideal male body standard (as it has been chosen to represent superheroes and other “impossibly” perfect beings) has evolved; I thought it was fascinating.

I can understand the X-Men fatigue, and sort of imagine those familiar with the comic had high expectations, but I enjoyed Dark Phoenix, and thought the whole thing was done a whole lot better than it was when it was done with Famke Janssen in whatever that movie was called.

It’s more intuitive only if where you live 32º F isn’t really fucking cold, which I would say it is.  

Of course I’m talking about the detained children dying in what you describe as not-concentration camps. I’m also talking about the the obvious surge in hate crimes, since some people now feel it’s okay to tell other people to go back to where they came from, even if in reality that place is, say, Chicago. And the

This is not his fault. If anything he’s fucking crushing it.

I think he’s a lucky con, and he’s been able to get away with it. I used to work for a guy just like that: he sells gold-plated garbage* while driving a leased Jaguar he’s never made a payment on, with an office in a successful office building that’s permanently months behind on rent, blaming bad checks or missed

He’s also her first at many things (like being kind to her, for one, but yeah, sex too), and after saying he would stay with her, he left and wasn’t even going to say goodbye. I mean, I’d be pretty emotional too.

I’ve always found it odd how every “GoT in X minutes” recap starts with Ned Stark finding a dead direwolf and giving her puppies to each of his children. Looking back, the direwolves have been as essential to the plot as the Sand Snakes, if not less.  

Vision has to come back. Disney+’s WandaVision sounds way too silly to be about as cheerful as This is Us.

There’s also the fact that his dad’s job was the reason Hydra wanted him gone, while his mom posed no threat to Hydra, or supposedly anyone else for that matter.  There was no good reason for her to go too.

It seems I’m not one of many, but I’m truly looking forward to this. I really enjoyed Avicii’s music and was very sad to find out about his death.

I haven’t watched The Handmaid’s Tale precisely because I’ve read it’s disturbingly depressing.  Every now and then I’m like, how bad could it be? But real life is way too much of a bummer to take on some additional suffering on account of fiction :(

I mean, it kind of sucks, but honestly, could anyone run into Jim O’Heir and not feel compelled to go “Dammit, Jerry”? 

Absolutely. In a world of Jeremy Jamms, we should all aspire to be Leslie Knopes.

I learned to type on a typewriter and I can’t shake off the two-space after a period thing, it’s a thing my thumb does without my brain even acknowledging it. Now I feel all self-conscious about it :(