
Well, I was looking for a review and this is the most recent search result, so maybe not that much coverage? 

Also, what’s the deal with your obnoxiously long username?

I was a teenager in the 90s, and I knew Stern was a HUGE asshole; this still surprised me.

I’m really sorry you went through that. However, don’t lose faith. Lorena survived and found love, and I’m sure you will too, one way or another.

I’m in no position to tell you how the documentary would affect you, but if you feel you could take it, you should watch it. For me, the most compelling part was how ardently supported she was by non-garbage human beings. Also, how easily John Bobbit makes it clear he is a garbage human being.

I didn’t think it was Flip at all. As a matter of fact, at the time I thought it had been Ivanhoe, which I now realize is impossible, duh.  

What’s this about animal abandonment? 

I looked up the review for this episode just so I could be sure whether it was cannibalism, because it sure looked like it to me.

Any way you could update this tutorial? With all that’s going on with Facebook, I’d like to get my toys together and leave, but can’t find a way to get my tagged pictures out; Photograbber seems to be discontinued and won’t run on my Mac.

Did it really never occur to Peña Nieto that the first lady buying a $7 million house from a government contractor would not be a huge conflict of interest?

Amazing, isn’t it? Who writes like that.  Sad! 

Oh, durr, it was on the chart, wasn’t it? Never mind me, haha.

Really? I haven’t heard a thing about that, is that on twitter?

Exactly, I use it as a bookmark feature.  Even when I “like” something to express my support, I’ll go back after a few days and remove the like to remove it from my Liked Tweets/Bookmark page.  I only use Twitter as a way of browsing headlines for stuff I’d like to read/watch when I have some more time, so if that

Aww, you beat me to it :(

Juliana killing Joe was truly shocking moment.

Three Lebensborn, which Joe also is. 

It breaks my heart (BREAKS MY HEART) every time Bono alludes to it when he talks about making crap albums. But I do agree with Uselessbeauty that the live versions are far superior.  That bass line on MoFo... whew.   

Yeah, I thought for sure I was just imagining the assassin looking that much like Tatiana, since it would be ridiculous for her to carry it out, but I guess that also explains why her wig came off so easily— she was a total noob.

Yeah, I thought for sure I was just imagining the assassin looking that much like Tatiana, since it would be ridiculous for her to carry it out, but I guess that also explains why her wig came off so easily— she was a total noob.

You got me there.