
Five months later, I can attest to the fact that it's still going well.

The idea of this was funnier than the execution, but my flu-addled self still enjoyed it a little.

I hope it's more than once. I have a serious crush on Arkady.

I wish I could upvote this more than once.

The term "Third World" arose during the cold war to define countries that remained non-aligned with either NATO or the Communist Bloc. The United States, Canada, Japan, South Korea, Western European nations and their allies represented the First World, while the Soviet Union, China, Cuba, and their allies represented

I was under the impression that the term "third world country" came from talking about countries that weren't aligned to either the US or the USSR during the Cold War: that's why they belonged to a sort of "third" world.

When Philip first met Deidre I thought she was going to turn out to be a closet lesbian. I can't say I've completely ruled it out.

I wish he had too, but I think he's feeling pressured to prove to Elizabeth that he hasn't lost it.

I do the same with my fiancé. Then a few days later I follow up with "how did that thing go with the thingies?" and do it all over again!

And maybe, just maybe, finding that out will bring Arkady back. I'm heartbroken he's gone

Shh, someone might actually think you're serious.

I think it's precisely because he was so excited, and let's be honest: it's not like he has a lot of people to share that with. Philip is his only "normal person" friend (as far as he knows); it's not like Sandra would have appreciated it if he'd called her to tell her. It was misguided, of course, but I'm sure it


After the fallout of her parents being outed as spies and his father being disgraced for failing to realize it before, they'll end up changing their names to Ann Perkins and Andy Dwyer/Burt Macklin.

How has a whole year gone by without you getting any upvotes for that?

THIS. Why is she the one demanding explanations?

Though it was good for nothing, since Stan told Aderholt about suspecting Martha while standing right next to the robot, and three days after Martha was flown out of the country, they still didn't know for sure whether she'd been made.

I was born in 1981, and I know that if I had ever even started to raise my voice at my parents the way Paige does, for any reason, I would have been slapped right then and there, even if what I were to have been screaming hadn't been super confidential, life-or-death information. Every time she starts yelling I'm

I haven't seen a lot of people agreeing with me here, but it seems to me the guys were actually being super polite and Gaad just freaked out and got himself killed. Like "what happens if I don't?" "Well, we'd be really appreciative it if you could just hear us out."

Don't tell anyone, but before Laundry Service Shakira had jet black hair.