
In Mexico, huge media conglomerate Televisa is banning Rogue One from being as much as mentioned on-air because Disney chose not to pay for advertising with them. Boy, will both these boycotts show them!

I think I combined every story of something being leaked I've ever heard, because it turns out I was thinking of when The Edge's demo of How to Dismantle an Atomic Bomb was stolen, not misplaced, in France. The thing that was leaked after being left in a bar was in fact an iPhone, haha.

Aww, the link's not working :(

My (Mexican) mom says Cuban Americans did not take Obama lifting the embargo very well. I don't know if that's true, but every video I saw of a Latino Trump supporter featured a Cuban American.

The uploader has not made this video available in my country. And so the closing of the borders begins.

What about the stupid wall? You know the U.S. couldn't afford to build that thing, much less Mexico. He's going to try to bully the Mexican government into it, because it was pretty much the core of his campaign, but if he's walking out of NAFTA anyway, what's he going to threaten? Invasion? Nukes?

No, don't apologize, I didn't mean it like that. I feel like the entire world (except for about half of half of US voters and maybe some Russians) is depressed and comment sections of sites like these are like group therapy… The tonal change of your comment just caught me by surprise, that's all. I feel exactly the

I saw a video of a guy saying he voted for Trump because he didn't like Hillary, and figured the cheeto would be impeached soon, so that got rid of them both. While that feels like it's *somewhat* better than outright supporting what babyhands stands for, it still legitimizes his hateful rhetoric, and puts all the

Scheduling a Parks and Rec marathon for the day after the election was perfectly appropriate, no matter what the outcome was.

That wasn't very uplifting, but you still get an upvote.

I read somewhere (I can't remember whether it was The New Yorker, or The Atlantic, or something like that) that a lot of women didn't feel there was anything wrong with the way trump talks about women, because their husbands talk to and about them that way, and they'd feel weird if they didn't. THEY'D FEEL IT WAS

A hug to you for having gone through that. I know I would have been rattled.

The Bernie bros are on my shit list because way too many of them perpetuated lies and shared countless memes about Hillary being a horrible, unlikable, endlessly pit of corruption up until a week or two ago (hashtagged #NeverHillary), and now they're like "omg, what have you done, America?!?!"

Just maybe last week I read (on The Atlantic, IIRC) that Hillary's "unlikeability" became a thing the moment she started campaigning for the presidency; before that her approval rating was excellent. The article concluded that people just don't like it when women are ambitious ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Man, I'm not going to be able to sleep at night because of you. I feel like my lunch just went bad inside me.

Huh. I thought the treadmill was one of the safest options out there. My dad's an orthopedic surgeon and he always jokes that while cardiologists keep telling people to work out more, he always has to ask them to take it easy.

Especially since more than once she asked him to be more cautious. I know I'd be out of my mind pissed off if, say, my sister ruined something I loved by doing something I specifically asked her several times not to do. I wouldn't push her through a window, but I didn't grow up watching people get their fingers cut

You really, really should, but yeah, not on CC debt; it's crazy expensive.

I agree on Shailene/JLaw, but I think Emily Blunt is now big enough to have her own non-union equivalent.

What particular job did the internet do this time?