
Shout out to that Pens shirt.


Pretty neat, but ending with the Coke can rolling down an incline into a box is the finale? Love the complexity, but I wish the Coke was involved throughout, or at least did something a little fancier at the end.

Great in-depth analysis of how they’re building this thing.

What’s the deal with the ball going through the stump in the gif?

Animator/editor here. The source photos were already high-resolution with a big thanks to the Project Apollo Archives (look them up on Flickr). From there this was done with a lot of photoshop - each photo/scene consisted of cutting out sections of the images that are foreground, mid, and background elements. Then

Apple is limiting ATV apps to 200mb stored locally. Anything bigger gets files stored in the cloud. So you could theoretically have 160 full-sized apps on the 32GB, but most apps aren’t nearly that big. Most of the streaming apps should be pretty light. I expect games will the culprits pushing the 200mb limit.

Might want to read the links before you post them. It specifically says in that entry:

OP said he DIDN’T think “people who didn’t like it didn’t understand it.” Ease up a bit, man. People are so quick to get on the defensive about this stuff, which causes misreading so often. Either you like it or you didn’t, everyone is entitled to their opinion as such.

The negative context of this article is annoying. No, it wasn’t 100% successful, but this wasn’t a crazy failure. The rocket successfully landed on on an autonomous drone ship in the middle of the ocean then tipped over afterward. That’s still a HUGE accomplishment, especially for something that Musk himself has said

Quite probably to charge your Mophie and sync/charge your phone at the same time daisy chain style. This cuts back on USB ports being used and cable management.

And the denial of NFC transactions were prompted by the launch and fast/widespread consumer activations of the Apple Pay system. MCX realized that with this launch, NFC just got a major boost in demand, which are primarily Apple customers. Google Wallet didn't cause the rift - but they are affected, which is why they

Yes, it should be known that Google Wallet and other NFC payment systems are affected (I agree with your first sentence), but there's no need to get bent out of shape about not getting a mention.

I'm glad I don't know half of what's happening. I'm tired of knowing the whole movie's plot inside a 2 minute trailer.

Who do you think you are? Talking sensibly and with reason is not a right you're allowed to exercise here! In all seriousness, this comment is one of the few I've seen about Apple that is on point. I haven't heard them once claim that they're the first to implement any of these new features, only that they've refined

To clarify for other readers who aren't aware - "Do not backup to iCloud" is not a reference to the celebrity leaks; Apple's new security statement about not having the encryption key to your data only applies to data stored on your phone. They can still access anything stored in the cloud. So if a government agency

Being someone who works in the VFX and motion graphic industry, I'm a little skeptical about some of these claims. For starters, the shot of the astronaut on the moon at :42 looks exactly like what they're claiming they didn't do - cloning and painting the background to get the 3D paralax effect. Also, the shot at :15

It doesn't look like it has a "year-long" battery life. The specs on the website even say "Up to 6 months" - so realistically it sounds like it's less than even that.

I don't know why so many people get caught up in the 'who did it first' (read: 'Android did it first, Apple is a copycat"') notion. Apple is notorious for taking their time with technologies and features to ensure they work, and ensure they work in a way that feels natural and intuitive. Which in turn, is why Apple is