Here’s a fun thing to do while you’re waiting for a spot in one of Dragon Ball FighterZ PC’s crowded online…
Here’s a fun thing to do while you’re waiting for a spot in one of Dragon Ball FighterZ PC’s crowded online…
Yep, and for every Dwayne Johnson, there are 15 white men making as much as he does...
If wage equality is communism...you know what? Never mind. This article is reporting what happened, so take that up with Jessica Chastain.
I don’t hold it against Nvizzio that Roller Coaster Tycoon World was a disaster given it was passed between studios multiple times and I’m sure they had to rush it to market, but no way in Hell would I trust Atari to manage this project correctly after that fiasco.
I think that D&D has an overabundance of low-level fodder creatures. Between goblins and their larger kin, kobolds, bandits, cultists, zombies, orcs, gnolls, and wild beasts, it can be hard to make them each feel distinct with 5e’s rules as they appear in the books.
They are trying to make a balanced game and you want them to put in a character who no doubt would have a miniscule hitbox? Dream on.
The thing about competitive trash-talk is that it comes in “levels.” Those levels are divided into what’s appropriate amongst friends who know each other well enough to be able to accept a barb without taking offense, mixed groups of friends and acquaintances where more care is warranted, groups of strangers where…
The thing I find so confounding about the complicity of USAG/MSU/USOC is... why? Once the allegations started to surface, why keep him? Did this shitstain appear to offer anything special? Did he seem to possess unique skills above and beyond the average sports medicine practitioner? Or was it really just the purely…
Olympic gold medalist gymnast Aly Raisman delivered a 13-minute victim impact statement today in front of Ingham…
Don’t kid a kidder. People who use it for homebrew reasons: 1%. People who use it for piracy: 99%.
I think not having to worry about a secondary market is a valid reason, and can indeed create a better experience if you don’t have to worry about card value when you’re drafting for keeps.
And this is also why I wish we would’ve gotten a PC beta. These issues are probably going to persist on the PC version for a while
Stories about shitty studio practices should be right at the top of any gaming-related site. If those people are whistleblowing in hope of improving their work conditions, every site should make it a top priority to cover the story.
The industry should improve and the only way for that to happen is by spreading…
Some of us have hardware, hardware that costs $7,000 or possibly more, that has a hardwired USB-A cable. Sure, I can use a dongle with it, but those are sometimes finicky, and if I forget or lose a dongle, now I can’t work because Dell can’t keep a single legacy USB port there? This is why I gave up on Apple and went…
As do I.
The officer involved should also face review and potential charges, given the situation on the ground—but the folks who precipitated the situation need to eat the heavy end of the hammer.
I disagree with your simple test. I also agree I would have a hard time passing it because I enjoy beer way too much.
Speaking as a recovering alcoholic in the AA sense, I know several (myself included) alcoholics who can pause their drinking for a month so long as they are substituting some other addiction (emotional drama, adrenaline, self-harm, eating, gambling, etc.). Whether or not you get DTs when you pause your drinking is not…
It think he is trying to say that he has a problem with the article headline making it seem like the polish of the sword exists because of this fighting technique rather it simply being a by product of them just trying to keep rust-free. In other words, this cool disappearing trick isn’t why a Katana is so polished…
I still find it interesting how much attention gets paid to the Katana, and swords in general, when they’re fundamentally just sidearms. Wars were won and lost on the backs of the Tanegashima, Yumi and Yari but most people don’t even know what they are.
I can. Not myself, oh no no no. But somewhere out there, there is someone who finds him attractive, I’m sure.