
It’s almost as if the people who want the power that comes with HOA are society’s garbage with nothing better to do than to stick their nose in other people’s business.

More than anything else, they need to fix the store. As it is, older games are relegated to the rear pages of the “recent releases” and unless you have an idea of the name of the game you’re looking for, you might not even see it. They need to put categories so that people who like certain things can find all the

Ghouls and Ghosts.. the series I think is actually hard. Whereas Dark Souls is mistaken as having that crown by the scrubs as a means of self-aggrandization.

*sigh*... getting lucky and finishing it... those were the days. Don’t think I can do it any more though @.@

Yeah every creative has this issue. Especially With the mentioned “I could do it better, for less money!” Nothing destroys an industry faster than this going rampant ie: vfx houses racing to the bottom for bids.

Isn’t this the de facto Confederate sport, though?

Pretty sure there’s a sizable chunk on this platform that envy their success. I’m not a fan but I acknowledge that they’ve successfully peddled their brand of comics and video game commentary.

However, a lot of people from the aforementioned chunk would prefer to believe that everyone else but their group is stupid

As excited as I am that Nintendo’s getting all these developers back, they’ve got to fix that damn store and organize it. As it is, older games are buried with NBA2K taking up 3 slots cuz of their ridiculous “gold tier” or whatever.

Was pretty much about to add pretty much this. But to further elaborate:

It sounds like you’re a cop from Canada rather than the US. if not, I think the current generation of cops in the US don’t really think like you did.

Naw, they’re a massive corporation so laws shouldn’t help or protect them /s.

But but.. the source material is from anime, so of course they should be Japanese... oh wait...

And to think... all of this massive invasion of privacy policies could have been avoided if the CIA didn’t do some real shady shit to other countries and your diplomatic policy involved befriending nations that actually want to be trading partners, rather than just an oil-rich dynasty that has an axe to grind on the

One 3-card combo to get someone to discard isn’t exactly quite what I was thinking. From a quick search, discard serves more as a cost rather than an offensive effect like it is in MtG. I get the design choice though since they’re orienting the game towards simplicity as well as preventing someone else messing with

As an mtg player, this new deck excites me in the sense that it adds variety to hearthstone. Just need more cards that destroy libraries or forces discarding of hands and you’ll have a legitimate mill deck.

Do you live in a world where one format negates the validity of other formats? The implication here is that since GoT came out as a book series, it means that the show’s awful and millions of viewers are wrong.

I used to work at a coffee shop and this one woman wanted to return her coffee. Kid you not, it was pretty much all gone except maybe a few drops. Said she doesn’t like it so wants a refund. The manager asked why she finished it if she didn’t like it; but caved at the first sign of a hissy fit.

Yeah, it’s been a while and I’ve forgotten how mouthy he gets over every little thing. “omg, the civilians are dying, do something!”

The plain arial-looking font is my main complaint about the recently announced Magic the Gathering: Arena.

Depends. If you could go forward, it might be preferable. Though as Louis C.K. has mentioned, you probably don’t want to go backwards...

Anyone else have this nagging feeling this is why she lost? It’s a brilliant answer that some people probably didn’t like <.<