
I really don’t think we need even more comfortable chairs... we artists generally are already sitting around enough as it is. Have mandatory breaks at work to make us get up every few hours...

I think it’s within their right to drop someone from a program that they run if he’s not representing their best interests. That’s all well and good, you don’t really want a spokesperson who hates your company, right?

But a copyright claim? So sick and tired of corporations weaponizing copyright laws. They’re so

So... no mind-rape angels, no go?

I’m not a fan of nether realm style combat, though I will admit the combat animation has gotten a lot better, to the point that it could be considered the best for fighting games. That said, I think I’d rather have the loot boxes vs Capcom’s nickel and diming you for every little bit of unlock. You can have a free

People who would benefit from the republican regime do not spend their time commenting on kinja forums.

The point is so that psychopaths can get some practice in how they’re supposed to mimic emotions in certain contexts. That’s why these videos must stop!! We’re helping those guys by letting these videos exist! Won’t somebody think of the children!?!

People who would say that <insertanyrandomsourceofincomehere> isn’t a real job really doesn’t understand how the world works or is just desperately trying to make themselves feel better about something. These are also the same brainless idiots that keeps trying to devalue many jobs that actually involve a high amount

Yeah... I kinda thought this article was a bit too early.

I don’t live in America and I understand there’s quite a bit of inequality but there’s no way in hell that it’s remotely anything like it is in Russia or developing countries (one of which I came from).

You think cops in the US are awful? Imagine them doing all that plus having the backing of the government to do so.

It’s adorable that you think the crazy norm in your country’s airline industry practices applies to the rest of the world. Most other countries don’t rescue airlines that fail due to their own incompetence and actually let them compete in an actual capitalist environment resulting in proper management . Otherwise they

Joy? Totally, if you’re one of the privileged. You know that communism thing that was meant to make everyone equal? Never existed. I’m all for socialism when it’s actually practised but what they’ve always had was an extremely corrupt oligarchy where the rich and well-connected got to do whatever they wanted “for

It honestly doesn’t matter. Any and all artistic depictions of all living beings is a sin in Islam and they hate capcom either way. As a visual artist, this religion already considers me an abomination that should be exterminated if they had free reign. So, don’t particularly care about offending them at this point.

They’re so smug and confident that they’re untouchable. The best part? When these asswipes end up having to file for bankruptcy, your tax dollars will bail them out! Doesn’t matter that they got there in the first place due to their terrible service and treatment of their customers cargo. Then after a while, they’ll

I wonder if I should keep waiting for PC release or just buy a PS4 already... sigh.

Guilty Gear Xrd set the bar for graphics for me. Even SFV pales in comparison to me cuz I like 2D style (though it’s miles ahead of the KoF 3d style). But since I’m a huge fan of KoF, I’d still grab this if it comes to PC.

They often give you cheat codes for those too! /POWEROVERWHELMING !!!!! RAWR

Tbh, I want every game from now on to steal pay homage to Zelda:BotW. Go ahead and borrow ALL the features damnit!

Anyone who performs publicly has to deal with hecklers in one form or another. We just have too many shitty people kicking around to completely avoid it.

Sounds like he’s not the type to learn lessons. Deserves no sympathy and probably gonna die in jail. 

I’d feel bad for this company if they weren’t so shitty with supporting their product. Had a TE fight stick that just stopped working on PC for no reason and they didn’t even try to fix it. There’s of course work arounds but a driver update would have just been an easy way to keep customers happy.

Of course, I feel