
Congratulations, your face is captured. Enjoy the jailtime.

You can tap a piece of plywood with an axe too and make it appear impervious to it. I know it’s a safety issue but seems kinda pointless to show off as a “feature” when it’s deceiving like that.

As a currently unemployed artist, I can understand the anxiety and very real consequences that unrestricted refunds bring. However, as a gamer, it’s hard to fault people who genuinely felt betrayed for wanting a refund (ie: not the people who are just screwing around and messing with the system for shits and giggles).

I quite enjoyed this game in terms of standing on its own. But when paired with Chrono Trigger, it was depressing to say the least due to some very spoilerific reasons. It felt, at the time, that a lot of the struggles the heroes of CT had overcome had been for nothing at best; and spawned an eldritch abomination god

It’s disappointing that they couldn’t develop a system so that at the proper level, a gun still behaves the same way. Leveling was fine but it was at the end-game that all the awful things about the game popped up. Regular mobs that takes several clips to down, all of them from headshots, is ridiculous.

I’m enjoying

I think Witcher 3's proven that these archaic anti-piracy schemes doesn’t really work aside from piss off paying customers. I used to pirate games when I had no money (ie: unemployed teenager) but still bought games that were good enough (through begging and scraping money together). I think most pirates nowadays

Garrisons were are awful. I think Diablo 3 spoiled me since I enjoyed having towns unlocked on all my characters and the gold cost that’s attached to them right now are prohibitive. I think people have also been asking for shared reagents bank for a while, as well as shared secondary professions. I think it has

If Leaguesharp’s owners are based in EU or Germany in particular, Riot’s going to lose because... “REASONS!”. Protectionism is in full force and logic/law went out the window in that area. ie: Blizzard’s lawsuit against gold seller/bot maker where they were ordered to pay for court costs as well. http://massivelyop.com

I think her grief could have been tolerated for a while. But when Sanctuary started flourishing, it should have been toned down or have a gradual improvement. Failing that, we should have been given the option to exile her since she’s not a team player (or rather, hostile towards the person who made everything happen).

You seriously don’t know? Considering how corrupt that country is, give you two guesses as to how lol

So... who’s excited for Evangelion Rebuild’s conclusion?!?

Quite frankly, it looks like the garbage bins are full and people still made an effort to have it neatly be stacked by the garbage can. In the city I live in, the garbage bins often aren’t full and there’s still junk all over the place because... assholes. But I guess considering the different culture, this is totally

Can we start using the illegal/morally dubious methods that was used to catch the kat.cr owner on these guys instead and put them away for life? I think they’d find it funny, so I’m sure they wont’ mind.

Yeah, I think I’d like to know how dark a dark side is. Been around people who don’t even need to be drunk to be extremely dangerous people. Nobody’s looking for friends who are perfect, or at least I’m not. But someone who’s dangerous to be around while they’re drunk, I’ll pass.

They basically followed what’s been said about piracy this whole time. You can’t really force people to buy something they weren’t going to buy in the first place. I got this game free from a video card promo and I bought the season pass as well as bought a complete edition for a friend just to spread the word.

Alcohol doesn’t bring out the worst in people, it only reveals them. It’s always been there. I don’t trust anyone who I haven’t gotten drunk with since it shows their true colors so to speak.

It makes no sense as far as logic goes but as per usual, a violated woman is to put her dignity below a man’s hopes and dreams. Also note the reactions from women’s local community when they do file charges. Football towns are notorious for this. I’m not going to give examples since a cursory google search would yield

I found the response to his idiocy funny. So “somebody’s” laughing. Not necessarily the moron.

And this is why you can’t copyright concepts that are too general. None of his accusations would hold up in court because they’re all too general. And as others pointed out, none of his ideas are totally original either since they’re likely to have been inspired by other works that came before and he’d have a tough

Yeah, this is the best way to get blacklisted in a highly competitive industry full of tight-knit individuals. Hope he enjoys his short-term gain for a lifetime of being refused to work with.