
I really wanted it to go out with a nine episode ninth season.

Well, maybe that New Radicals guy was onto something after all. 

Maybe this time around, they’ll include ALL of Martin’s children.

I give it a year before the right tries to either rehabilitate him or they try to spin it that Trump was the “Bad GOP” and that they’re the “Good GOP”. The only difference between the two is that the former says the quiet parts loud. 

At some point, Trump is gonna weasel his way back on the internet in some form, and there will be plenty of gullible or disingenuous agents who will be happy to amplify his hateful bullshit. I think we’re best off depriving his actual statements of oxygen as much as possible, but at the same time there should be

I think the issue is just that Jared has such a generic, blank, bland, uncanny valley face that you could put him next to anyone (or anything) and see some sort of resemblance.  I bet you could say the same thing about a picture of him next to a lamp.

Not ever, Lana.

Listen, I hate Lana Del Ray’s sappy, overproduced, painfully boring music as much as the next guy, and I know she’s said a lot of dumb shit, but in this case it sounds like she was just trying to say Donald Trump is too dumb to realize his words have power. And, yeah, maybe? If he had any sort of self awareness, he’d

Ironically, it reeks of narcissism.

Now playing

She’s just trying to do a really lame recovery tour after breaking it off with that shitty influencer cop. I don’t know why anyone gives her the time of day. You can say you’re liberal all you want honey, nobody cares. Liberals care about your actions, go volunteer at a food bank or something.

Here’s what I don’t get: It’s perfectly fine to not know or understand enough about what’s going on in the world. Especially if you’re an entertainer. You don’t have to be a politics expert, you don’t have to have deep psychological insights into anyone or anything. It’s fine.

If you like a good book, full stop, I can’t imagine disliking The White Tiger.  It’s super readable and has a lot to say

After WWII there was also a thing called The Nuremberg Trials, where the guilty faced justice. Need some of that now.


Now playing

They also have an extremely hard time landing one of those jobs because of all of the other roadblocks put up to prevent them from gainful employment after they serve their time. So basically they receive training and do the work for pennies and then can’t use their skills to stay out of prison once released. Its

Not enough money to be made by the ruling class in actually providing a decent living to our formerly incarcerated. Much better (for them) to keep the for-profit prisons they own full of ready slave labor they can exploit.

No offense to Cage, but isn't this a role better suited for Peter Capaldi? It's a missed opportunity, imo.

I like a good Cage freak out, but it’s nice to see he can still be dignified. And the beard looks good on him. 

Ha HA! Unexpected revival.