
Thank you for the fantasy. In my mind every single person at the stadium BOOed him as he left.

Your cousins are obviously pretty typical of about 46% of Americans who need to hear an opposition message. Again, if you’re the kind of person who got it, what’s the point of having such a huge platform for someone so political?

Isn’t this a failure? If she’s just winking at people like us while it goes over everyone else’s head, what’s the fucking point?

Everyone is all like “finally not political like Beyoncé!”

So basically, if you announced you made the decision to not watch Lady Gaga’s halftime show because you assumed she was going to be political, you ended up turning off God Bless American and This Land is Your Land. Not so patriotic now are ya, conservatives?

I’m at the game and this 75% male crowd woo-hooed for this line!Even the Falcons coach had a big grin.

“MiniVulcan went hog wild at the used bookstore for the 5th straight weekend in a row! How is she going to have enough time to study for midterms?”

Mine would’ve been like “Janelle stayed home and sat at the computer all night playing Neopets. WHAT IS SHE HIDING???”

Her boobs are always so jacked up, I figure they are getting a lot of support. So much support that looking at them make My boobs hurt. And the shoes, yes. I don’t think she has really danced in years, but if she wants to spend 8 weeks in a cast......I guess she will just keep lying down and squirming in her viddies.

She may end up on mandated bed rest. If that happens, I still think she should do the gig; maybe she can go all conceptual-Bjork and do it while floating in a plexiglass water tank.

Hopefully it should lead to an overwhelmingly diminished voter turnout on the Republicans’ side in the midterms. All they need to do is highlight the connection between the Republicans and Trump. They’re abetting and aiding each other. They’re completely complicit in everything they do.

A week ago?

How long til the last legitimately tricked Trump supporter wises up and its just the racists, facisists and misogynists left supporting him?

Hate to break it to the Republicans and those privileged enough to not care about politics but the next 4 years are going to be insanely political. Music, movies, TV all of it will be digs at Trump. I for one am thrilled.

It’s really fucking distasteful, especially on a website for and in support of women. People were/are acting like this about Kim K’s being robbed, too, and I’m just like... Why are you here? You think this is funny because it happened to a wealthy, ‘vapid’ woman?

You’re right, and thank you. This article gave me huge secondhand embarrassment for Bobby - this wasn’t nearly as clever or precious as he thought it was.

I dunno, seems worth more concern than a bunch of puns. How terrible and absolutely frightening for her. :(

My speculation ...  Meek Mill sent someone looking for some of his personal stuff or something of Nicki’s. Whoever it ends up being, the robbery was about messing with Nicki, not taking things. A professional would have been in and out without the damage.

Because it’s a business. And the idea is to revitalize and support American fashion in New York City. With the idea being to keep it alive as a manufacturing and design hub, instead of completely dying off.

News Flash: