


Frederick Douglass died in 1895.

Her instagram is the BEST. She is such a mama.

i mean how monstrous was it the way people went in, after how her first pregnancy went, and shriek about conspiracies because she didn’t want to make a huge public thing of it when blue came along? she may be magical enough that when she kneels on the bare earth, flowers grow spontaneously, but she’s still a human


i legitimately cannot comment on that.

BILL O’REILLY said that?! Jesus, now I know I’m in fucking Bizarro World.

If it wasn’t clear before, it’s time to go absolutely bonkers on Sessions. If it means filibustering risking the GOP going nuclear, so be it. Trump has already gone nuclear and it hasn’t even been a week. And, if they do that, then the Dems should just walk out the Senate chamber onto the front steps of the Capitol.

I bet Trump wishes he also had the power to fire Bill O’Reilly now:

Holy fucking God Almighty, you have no idea the anger running through my system right now. Rae Kushner is from an Eastern European town that isn’t that far away from where my family lived at that time. A quick internet search shows that her family may have been murdered in the same massacre as my own family, and may

It’s classic dictator chic. Look familiar? (Ivanka’s practically in Evita’s exact dress!)

That’s the best thing Anna Chlumsky has worn in a long time. Which admittedly is a low bar. Girl, find yourself a new stylist!

True. But it was only a week ago.

*grasps desperately for a silver lining* well, at least the enthusiasm for protest didn’t fade after the Women’s March?

Amazing. To think that Kanye had radicalized her to the left, but he went so far left he came full circle and landed on the right.

Glad that Kim K’s posted that... I believe her audience is not political, or even republican, which means that she has a basis for educating them. Facts! They still exist.

Sure, what part? Arzner? She was basically the sole woman director of the era. Surely a lesbian, and possibly what we now know as transgender she was so traditionally masculine (see photo) and basically lived as a man. And her films had very strong trans and gay subtext, not even subtext at times. She later spent her

As a history nerd, I like to reassure myself that what we’re experiencing now is a normal part of progress. There is always a sort of kickback before society changes meaningfully. The 50's were a kickback decade. There was a kickback during the industrial revolution. The Spanish Inquisition was partly in response to

If everyone leaves, he’s not president of anything anymore. I say all 50 states disband and reform as the United States of Not Trump.