
I cannot imagine the possibility of Paris Jackson ever being a happy, well-adjusted person without pursuing a life of radical altruism.

Yes and no. Her silence spoke volumes.

I’m so thankful to women like Zendaya who are normalising fake hair. I’m a white woman who wears a lace front wig due to severe trichlomania. It’s seriously amazingly how fascinated non-wig wearers are when they find out about it, and I think most of the white women I know would secretly love to wear a bunch of

God bless her for exposing curly haired secrets.

This shit is so dangerous. It erodes our faith in our democratic institutions. We may survive a trump presidency but the US won’t be able to survive a complete loss of faith in things like our elections and our press for example. It will breed widespread corruption and authoritarianism as people will think trump is

Does this guy look like he has a black father?

So I’ll be the bonkers person and say that I come from a family of blonde haired, blue eyed, fair skinned people who are all Black, thanks to the one drop rule. I’m browner because of my father, but my family is pretty adamantly Black. I understand that everyone wants to be fascinated with MJ and his changing face,

You think she cares? She has a relationship with her biological mother, and the only people who should be discussing Paris’s paternity are the two of them. She has been asked about his paternity her entire life, not out of concern for her, but out of people’s curiosity about Michael Jackson. I think Paris Jackson has

I’ve fallen into enough comment sections on this very point to know the answer is an emphatic yes (Genes do strange things, Joe Jackson had blue eyes, etc.). And whatever the truth is, I understand why Paris would want to believe it — it’s not like she has anybody else stepping up to parent her.

Remember Jael Strauss from ANTM? She’s biracial (her mom is Black).

At this point, I have not met anybody who believes it. The rumor for years was that his dermatologist is the bio dad of the oldest two, at least (I believe he is now deceased as well). The speculation to me feels gross because, well, Michael raised them, he’s their dad.

It doesn’t matter, even if she was created with donated sperm he was still her father. She’s lovely, and entitled to her whacked out conspiracy theory about her father’s death.

Too many shitbags competing for that title

“Chris Brown further proves point.”

John Legend and Chrissy Teigen probably just lie down in bed together, limbs intertwined and drag people on twitter. That’s the dream

No seriously, she and John are the most entertaining celeb couple:

It’s so quaint that Pia Toscano incorporated granny panties into her wedding ensemble.

Utterly OT, but I don’t even care.

THIS. Look, I’ve got issues with Beyonce (and tbh, most of the entertainment industry), but at least she clearly puts the message of feminism out there. TSwift only ever brings it up as a shield to protect herself and shut down criticism of herself. Basically, she uses feminism in a pretty extremely and obvious

I think it’s kind of better that she didn’t go, she’s too big of a star and it would have made it about her, not the movement. She would have needed an assload of security, etc, just to move around and it would have gotten in the way.